Editor Frank Scott (FS) from DesignPRWire has interviewed designer Emel Balcı (EB) for A’ Design Award and Competition. You can access the full profile of Emel Balcı by clicking here. |
Interview with Emel Balcı at Monday 20th of May 2024 ![]() FS: Could you please tell us more about your art and design background? What made you become an artist/designer? Have you always wanted to be a designer? EB: İ am an architect born for it. After high school i only choosed architecturefaculties for college exams İ do my job with passion FS: Can you tell us more about your company / design studio? EB: My company designs and builts luxury residental and office projects And i am one of the trendsetters of touching method in my country FS: What is "design" for you? EB: Passion , touching peoples lives , giving them their dream places is something so much appreciating FS: What kinds of works do you like designing most? EB: Residental projects which means peoples lives as a castle of them The most important places FS: What is your most favorite design, could you please tell more about it? EB: All projects of mine are my favorite because all of the are custam made FS: What was the first thing you designed for a company? EB: Residental villa project, it was for a family with 2 children and approximetly 250 m2 dublex project FS: What is your favorite material / platform / technology? EB: Natural materials such as glass, marble and wood But wood material is my favorite and indispensible FS: When do you feel the most creative? EB: When i am on my own and listening so much loudly music I dont talk with people while i am designing, whan i feel my self stuck i get my dog and go for a walk and reset my brain If i am stucked so much, i need to go a short trip out of my city By the way i meed fresh brain FS: Which aspects of a design do you focus more during designing? EB: Customer needs feats with my knowladge and taste Of course the id of the project is so much important too but first my customers needs FS: What kind of emotions do you feel when you design? EB: Freedom Passion Love Excitement Sometimes stuck sometimes free FS: What kind of emotions do you feel when your designs are realized? EB: Happiness and excitement İ dont know howmany project ı have finished but every single time i feel like its my first delivery and feel excited so much FS: What makes a design successful? EB: İt should be uniq and custom made İt should be functional and also chiq İt should be rarely find and also makes people smile whan people see FS: When judging a design as good or bad, which aspects do you consider first? EB: İ want to understand the the reason it designed I want to find the answer that if i feel good or bad , if i get excited whan its built FS: From your point of view, what are the responsibilities of a designer for society and environment? EB: We have lots of reponsibiliteis to care of What you design should be entegrated with the enviroment FS: How do you think the "design field" is evolving? What is the future of design? EB: Technology ofcourse Sustanibility and protection of enviroment is so much important too FS: When was your last exhibition and where was it? And when do you want to hold your next exhibition? EB: At my college , and i want to hold them all over the world FS: Where does the design inspiration for your works come from? How do you feed your creativity? What are your sources of inspirations? EB: From my customers How they live, what they like everything about them And all that informationsfeat with my taste and knowladge FS: How would you describe your design style? What made you explore more this style and what are the main characteristics of your style? What's your approach to design? EB: All of them are both functional and uniqe FS: Where do you live? Do you feel the cultural heritage of your country affects your designs? What are the pros and cons during designing as a result of living in your country? EB: İstanbul, Turkiye My country is so beautiful and everything in my country inspires me alot FS: How do you work with companies? EB: İn a proper plan and timing İ always make brain storm with the companies i work FS: What are your suggestions to companies for working with a designer? How can companies select a good designer? EB: References are so important İf the company understands what you need and wantand also if they are showing importance about timing hire them FS: Can you talk a little about your design process? EB: First a survey with my customers Secondly i have to be with my owm to design ang think deeply and then the techniqul details FS: What are 5 of your favorite design items at home? EB: Wall coverings, lighting elements, fabrics, materials, functionalty FS: Can you describe a day in your life? EB: İ start my day with my dog first and then 10 am i start my day with meetings , responding my emailsand then after lunch i start controlling my projects on sites FS: Could you please share some pearls of wisdom for young designers? What are your suggestions to young, up and coming designers? EB: Love your job Launch for new technology, new materials And travel alot FS: From your perspective, what would you say are some positives and negatives of being a designer? EB: Sometimes budgets makes problems for customers but on the other way evrtyhing is perfect FS: What is your "golden rule" in design? EB: To be uniqe , functional and chiq FS: What skills are most important for a designer? EB: They ahould be hardworking and curious about everything FS: Which tools do you use during design? What is inside your toolbox? Such as software, application, hardware, books, sources of inspiration etc.? EB: My color palettes, my material catologes are always on my table FS: Designing can sometimes be a really time consuming task, how do you manage your time? EB: İ do my work in a very principal calender so i have no struggles FS: How long does it take to design an object from beginning to end? EB: İt depends what it is FS: What is the most frequently asked question to you, as a designer? EB: How can you design so much different areas at the same tine FS: What was your most important job experience? EB: İ am still learning and every project is a new experience FS: Who are some of your clients? EB: Mostly company owners, Professionals CEO , CEE FS: What type of design work do you enjoy the most and why? EB: When i design the walls i am so excited FS: What are your future plans? What is next for you? EB: Continue doing my job all over the world FS: Do you work as a team, or do you develop your designs yourself? EB: Sometimes as a team sometimes just me FS: Do you have any works-in-progress being designed that you would like to talk about? EB: I have lots of residental projects both designing and constructing all over Turkıye FS: How can people contact you? EB: By Email and whatsapp emel@m-l.com.tr 905332050073 FS: Any other things you would like to cover that have not been covered in these questions? EB: Do what you love
A’ Design Award and Competitions grants rights to press members and bloggers to use parts of this interview. This interview is provided as it is; DesignPRWire and A' Design Award and Competitions cannot be held responsible for the answers given by participating designers. Press Members: Register and login to request a custom interview with Emel Balcı. |
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NEWS Results will be Announced to Public on April 15, 2025. REGISTRATIONS OPEN Registration to A' Design Award & Competition 2024-2025 period is now open. |
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