Editor Frank Scott (FS) from DesignPRWire has interviewed designer Mohammad Enjavi Amiri (MEA) for A’ Design Award and Competition. You can access the full profile of Mohammad Enjavi Amiri by clicking here. |
Interview with Mohammad Enjavi Amiri at Tuesday 24th of April 2018 ![]() FS: Could you please tell us more about your art and design background? What made you become an artist/designer? Have you always wanted to be a designer? MEA: when i was a kid, i was alone. I was trying to fill my time with exploring all thing around: people's characters, how my toys made, how my mom cook and etc. this explores made me a motionless kid and it was save my energy and increase it for an explosion. A few years later i faced with dancing, and the explosion happened. My old explorations and my thrilling moments in dance, encouraged me to be a designer. so i'm designing everything in my world. FS: Can you tell us more about your company / design studio? MEA: Mohammad Enjavi Amiri is a designer that specialized in simple shape/mechanism products. His ability is designing simple products from complicated ones, that can be use and connect to user easily. The recyclable and resistance materials, is the main tools that he use to design everyday products. FS: What is "design" for you? MEA: its like dancing for me. when you dancing you must pay attention to audience, stage, your moves and control your mind, yes its like dancing for me. FS: What kinds of works do you like designing most? MEA: furniture designlighting designdigital device designstationery design FS: What is your most favorite design, could you please tell more about it? MEA: I love minimal things. there is a lot of minimal products around, but for personal reasons i love my Dodo chair. its like my baby. its come from a simple shape but its ability is more than the expectation of a simple shape. FS: What was the first thing you designed for a company? MEA: i designed a logo for the first time FS: What is your favorite material / platform / technology? MEA: woods, concrete, steels, ABS, aluminium FS: When do you feel the most creative? MEA: alwaysi'm always feel creativity inside FS: Which aspects of a design do you focus more during designing? MEA: simplicitycause it can connect easily to user, environment and etc. FS: What kind of emotions do you feel when you design? MEA: all of emotions, it depend on the part that i'm at FS: What kind of emotions do you feel when your designs are realized? MEA: Happiness FS: What makes a design successful? MEA: truth FS: When judging a design as good or bad, which aspects do you consider first? MEA: how the connection its made with me FS: From your point of view, what are the responsibilities of a designer for society and environment? MEA: designers are like gods. they create and after the creation responsibilities come up. somehow we decide the people look at a thing and dont look at the other things, we plan for their how thinking. maybe its scary a little but designers should be very careful about their designs.its not matter its a product or a service it can direct the routes of people's lives. FS: How do you think the "design field" is evolving? What is the future of design? MEA: its for people and it Has grown among people. so how, the future of design depends on people, their needs, their lives and etc. FS: When was your last exhibition and where was it? And when do you want to hold your next exhibition? MEA: my last exhibition was in Tabriz last year and my next one will be in Shiraz FS: Where does the design inspiration for your works come from? How do you feed your creativity? What are your sources of inspirations? MEA: they come from everywhere, my daily life is the main source FS: How would you describe your design style? What made you explore more this style and what are the main characteristics of your style? What's your approach to design? MEA: like i said before, its simplicity and truth in my product/services are showing my style FS: Where do you live? Do you feel the cultural heritage of your country affects your designs? What are the pros and cons during designing as a result of living in your country? MEA: I'm living in Iran and yes absolutely it does. Iran has its old roots in human history and its a nice option for the designers that lives in such countries, but the limits that this culture gives to your designs, i think its not good for creativity. FS: How do you work with companies? MEA: usually both side agree with something a project and with a time limit i send them the designs FS: What are your suggestions to companies for working with a designer? How can companies select a good designer? MEA: its a good question. i think companies must trust the designers, its difficult i know, but its necessary. FS: Can you talk a little about your design process? MEA: my design process usually began with a daily problem. i look at people with high attention. then when i found the need or problem i start to think about how can i fix that with simplest way? make an answer simple or answer a question simply is the most difficult and enjoyable part of my design process. when i reach the answer i think about the details after that i go with the other things that matter in that field. FS: What are 5 of your favorite design items at home? MEA: pens, notebooks, chair, mirror, kitchen knife FS: Can you describe a day in your life? MEA: usually i dont eat breakfast but i like to drink hot drinks at morning, all the day im thinking, im just keep tinking about everything. about people, about my personal issues, about anything you say.my most favorite time in a day is the afternoon, i think its very joyful. mostly my designs come from this time. im also like the night, im sleeping to dreaming. i love dreaming, most times i dream about new designs, its so excitement. FS: Could you please share some pearls of wisdom for young designers? What are your suggestions to young, up and coming designers? MEA: see better, focus on details FS: From your perspective, what would you say are some positives and negatives of being a designer? MEA: i think in each part of designers we can see these negatives and positives thing, but the most important thing here is the designer him/herself.what is negative and what is positive for him/her?for example the responsibility in design, it seems a problem for someone and for another person its a joyful positive thing. FS: What is your "golden rule" in design? MEA: simplest truth FS: What skills are most important for a designer? MEA: imagine, modeling, presentation FS: Which tools do you use during design? What is inside your toolbox? Such as software, application, hardware, books, sources of inspiration etc.? MEA: solidworks, rhinoceros, CATIA, adobe photoshop, keyshot, adobe illustrator FS: Designing can sometimes be a really time consuming task, how do you manage your time? MEA: i try to play with design and i enjoy it, i think this playing itself manage the game duration FS: How long does it take to design an object from beginning to end? MEA: it depends on context.but usually a month or two FS: What is the most frequently asked question to you, as a designer? MEA: what is the design look likes? FS: What was your most important job experience? MEA: associate with design studios in Shiraz FS: Who are some of your clients? MEA: Fars Meraj travel agencyPeykan design studioTabriz Islamic Art Univesrsity FS: What type of design work do you enjoy the most and why? MEA: sketching, its like writing a novel or something like that.i enjoy it FS: What are your future plans? What is next for you? MEA: get more awards FS: Do you work as a team, or do you develop your designs yourself? MEA: i develop my designs FS: Do you have any works-in-progress being designed that you would like to talk about? MEA: yes there is but i dont like talk about it right now FS: How can people contact you? MEA: in my Instagram: mohammad_enjavi_amirior my Email: shahinamiri1121@gmail.com FS: Any other things you would like to cover that have not been covered in these questions? MEA: no thanks
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