INSPIRATION: She is interested in human beings. And that includes the relationship between humans who will live in the future. It is about the relationship between humans born naturally and artificially replicated humans. She has concerns about how to approach cloned humans philosophically and is curious about the actual situation that can happen when such a reality. She doesn't draw a conclusion about this, just imagines this situation and expresses it in design. The design raises questions about how to recognize and define the origin and identity of life created by human power.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Her design is divided into two parts. The ones in the circle above express the situation that makes humans artificially. It has technological cooperation and cloned fetuses. The bottom part expresses naturalness and the parent body provides DNA and supplies breast milk that grows the fetus. The leaf-shaped face is a symbol of nature. Humans with human shapes created by human power grow in the existing natural order, and artificially created and naturally occurring beings coexist.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: Her designs express the dynamics that occur in various situations and relationships, as well as the emotions and thoughts felt by the living organisms that exist there. The creative beings she draws are ideas that we don't routinely recognize but feel instinctively. The feelings and thoughts of beings influence each other.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: Her design started in January 2022 and finished in March 2022, and will be exhibited at the Louvre in Paris in September 2022.
FITS BEST INTO CATEGORY: Fine Arts and Art Installation Design
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: In her design, pink represents the vitality of life, blue represents the source of life, and green represents the growth of life. Her design also painted black borders to show the solid independence and connection of the objects. She used acrylic paints on canvas to express vivid colors. And she expressed the signature in a three-dimensional way in the picture.
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: She painted the gesso on the canvas, painted it with acrylic and worked with a gloss varnish for the robustness of the work. The size of the work is 91cmx73cm
TAGS: Painting, Larakim, Human, Contemporary art, Modern art, Fine art, Art design, Unique art, Creative art
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: She imagines ideas with an instinctive and intuitive sense, connects them creatively, and separates them. Her work is accommodated and moved in multiple dimensions. She connects various forms and perspectives between consciousness and the subconscious. The young feeling harbors pure energy just before it erupts. The black line represents the myriad points between 0 and infinity. Beings have limitations and enjoy infinite freedom while overcoming limitations.
CHALLENGE: The artist sits still in her space to intuitively imagine and express the dynamics of various beings and exists between consciousness and the subconscious. She is constantly trying to feel, imagine, connect, and separate them there.
ADDED DATE: 2022-03-20 06:04:06
IMAGE CREDITS: Image #1: Creator Lara Kim, Human, 2022.
Image #2: Creator Lara Kim, Metaverse, 2022.
Image #3: Creator Lara Kim, Love, 2022.
Image #4: Creator Lara Kim, One Team, 2022.
Image #5: Creator Lara Kim, Union, 2021.
PATENTS/COPYRIGHTS: Copyrights belong to LARAKIM, 2022.