DESIGN NAME: Wine Liquid Chess
PRIMARY FUNCTION: Wine Limited Edition
INSPIRATION: The main inspiration for this project were the classical chess. Design created from idea doing something fresh based on old and classic forms. Something that could have not standart design for well know but good recognisable shapes. Also inspired connection of natural materials as wood with glass that gives together wonderful combination warm and cold shine effect of surface.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The collection of wine has five bottles with packagings. The shapes of bottles imitate classical chess. Five names of chess were used for bottles design: king, queen, knight, rook, pawn. The name of limited edition "Liquid Chess" was done because each lid of bottle has shape as splash of water and gives imagination that it is liquid forms but made from wood,thus it is already looks like oxymoron at their background idea. The packagings have five colors of chess board is two white and three black.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: This packaging was created for to enjoy good flavour of white wine with not standard bottles design that imitates chess.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: Started in December 2020 was finished in February 2021
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: Five bottles were created from mat glass with wood lid and top wood covering part. Each lid of bottles has own shape and size. The bottles dimensions also different from each over. Packaging has mat and ecology friendly cardboard of middle thickness. Each bottle has own wood stand at the bottom of the packaging.
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: size of box: H 406 mm; W 112 mm, size of bottle : H 362 mm; W 72 mm; L 49 mm
TAGS: packaging, wine, chess, wood, glass
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: This packaging has five colours of package that equally of chess board. The bottle design was not create for repeat the classical shape of chess and was made more for to show something new with idea of old. Also main idea was create unusual forms of lids which remind the water splashes. Each splash imitated the top part of figure. For to create this type of splatters were taken the different subjects that fell to water and therefore each splash has only own form not similar to other.
CHALLENGE: The most complicated at this packaging was to create interesting splashes for lid of wine bottles. Also the bottles had to have not classical form of glass and should to be good recognisable but at the same time to shows something new at the design idea about chess. The materials that were choosen for this it is mat glass and wood. The glass gives cold shine reflection and wood is warm on surfase that also looks as apposite like packaging name "Liquid Chess" that not exist in real world.
ADDED DATE: 2021-03-06 18:51:26
IMAGE CREDITS: Oksana Kashkovskaya, 2020.