PRIMARY FUNCTION: Awareness Poster
INSPIRATION: Following the global outbreak of Covid-19, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), all people are required to wear masks in crowded and public places. Since many people do not take this issue seriously, we tried to use a simple and symbolic graphic to inform people of the consequences of not wearing a mask and to convey our simple and direct message to the community.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: In this image, we see two scenes from the life of a human being formed by "choice". In the upper sequence, he protects himself with a wearing a mask against the Corona virus and survives, and in the bottom sequence, he has closed his eyes to the truth and he loses his life for not wearing a mask. In fact, people think about seeing the message of this image (The choice is yours ...) and come to their senses when they see the consequences of not wearing a mask.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: The importance of using a mask in this design well illustrated. In this poster, the mask defines the boundary between being and not being, and by warning all people, it tries to make them aware of the serious consequences of not wearing a mask.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The project started in early August 2020 in Tehran and finished in mid-September 2020 in Tehran.
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: First, the basic design was created by hand-drawn, and then a final design was created using Adobe Photoshop.
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: RGB, size: fit on 3600px *3600px, resolution: 72 dpi
TAGS: Mask, Choice , health care, poster, Covid-19, War on Virus
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: According to studies by the World Health Organization (WHO), Wearing mask may reduce Covid-19 spread by 85%. This shows the great importance of the mask in preventing corona virus infection. In designing this poster, we tried to encourage people to wear masks by raising public awareness. The information of this project collected from the website of the World Health Organization (WHO), Internet resources and the use of experts' knowledge.
CHALLENGE: The main challenge of this project was to create a simple and understandable concept for people to be able to show the importance of wearing mask to them and encourage them to do so. We needed to use a phrase that made people think and made them aware of the consequences of not wearing a mask. That sentence was (The choice is yours ...).
ADDED DATE: 2020-09-11 12:42:55
IMAGE CREDITS: Image#1: Creator Sajjad Navidi, Choice, 2020
Image#2: Creator Sajjad Navidi, Choice, 2020
Image#3: Creator Sajjad Navidi, Choice, 2020
Image#4: Creator Sajjad Navidi, Choice, 2020
Image#5: Creator Sajjad Navidi, Choice, 2020