PRIMARY FUNCTION: Children Drawing Mask
INSPIRATION: One of the most enjoyable hobbies for children is drawing, which helps them to reduce their worries, and this makes them dependent to painting, since children love to Show their painting to others, we give them a mobile gallery as a gift. All they have to do is, put their painting inside the mask and they will eagerly wear the mask and invite others to their exhibition, and this is a way to increase the children's desire to use the mask to protect their health against Covid-19 disease.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Many children avoid wearing masks due to the difficulty and discomfort of the mask, which increases their risk of contracting the corona virus. With the participation of children, we ask them to draw whatever they like, put it on the mask, wear, and this way they will feel good about the mask. We also give children the opportunity to discover their talents.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: There is a steel crystal cover on the bottom part of the outer layer of the masks and the upper part of the mask is a free space for breathing. After drawing their painting, children put them inside the cover and give mask a new identity and personalize it, and for this reason, they feel a sense of belonging to their new mask. Children can also replace the paintings inside the cover with new ones whenever they want and always enjoy their new mask.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The project started in early August 2020 in Tehran and finished in mid-September 2020 in Tehran.
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: In this project, a simple surgical mask with three protective layers is used and on the outer layer of the mask, there is a waterproof steel crystal cover to protect the painting papers.
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: The dimensions of the surgical mask in the closed state are 175 mm in length and 90 mm in width, and the dimensions of the steel crystal cover are 150 mm in length and 55 mm in width.
TAGS: Mask, Painting, Children, Game, Covid-19, War on Virus
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: This project seeks to increase the desire of children to use masks during Covid-19 disease, and the solution of this project is to use the art of painting as an effective way to create a sense of participation in children. They draw a picture, put it on a mask and wear, and bring mask into their game world. The information of this project collected from valid psychology books, internet resources and the use of experts' knowledge.
CHALLENGE: Since children are not interested in wearing masks, the main challenge of this project was to motivate and convince them to use masks. We were looking for a way to engage children and create an emotional connection in them to create a sense of belonging in children to the mask, and our strategy was to combine mask and drawing by making attractive through play to encourage children to wear masks.
ADDED DATE: 2020-09-11 12:11:44
IMAGE CREDITS: Image#1: Creator Sajjad Navidi, Paint Mask, 2020
Image#2: Creator Sajjad Navidi, Paint Mask, 2020
Image#3: Creator Sajjad Navidi, Paint Mask, 2020
Image#4: Creator Sajjad Navidi, Paint Mask, 2020
Image#5: Creator Sajjad Navidi, Paint Mask, 2020