INSPIRATION: In public places like banks, hospitals or insurance offices you always have to write something on papers and there are pens to do it in these kind of places but it is very dangerous to use it in this situation because the virus can be spread easily by touching surfaces so there are two kind of sanitizers, a sanitizer spray and a UV lamp to make our hand clean and both these items have been placed in the Cleanpen to make it a useful product in this situation.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: In this Covid-19 Pandemic situation it is very necessary to protect ourselves and the other members of our society from this very dangerous virus and we have to sanitize our hands when we are not in a place where we can wash our hands. On the other hand when we are in public places where we have to write something on a paper with a pen it's so likely to get the COVID19 by using a pen that other people have written with. The Cleanpen has solved this problem with a UV light and a sanitizer spray.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: There is a button on the top of the pen which turns The UV light lamp On and Off and a sanitizer spray button above it and it spray the sanitizer liquid on hands and surfaces to make it clean.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The project started in June 2020 in Tehran and finished in July 2010 in Tehran
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: There is a UV lamp inside a semi transparent body ot the pen which has been covered by a nano self clean polymer and the lamp is working with 2 LR44 A76 small alkaline 1.5V batteries which are changeable.
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: The upper side of pen 13mm in diameter and the lower part of body is 8mm in diameter and the length is 142mm. The weight is 60gr.
TAGS: pen, UV, Clean, Sanitizer, Virus, COVDI19, writing
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: According to a report which has been published by Iranian ministry of health and hygiene, 15% of bank employees had been suffered with Covid19 during 6 months and it is predictable that 20% of Covid19 sufferers have gotten this disease from public places like banks or hospitals or insurance offices so an action is necessary in this case to make hands clean beside wearing mask and do other hygiene protocols such as social distancing.
CHALLENGE: The challenge is UV lamp can damage the skin and it has to be used less than 10 minutes per hour so the lamp just work for 10 minutes per hour automatically and you can manually turn it on and off with a button.
ADDED DATE: 2020-07-28 10:57:16
IMAGE CREDITS: Rendered and illustrated by Aidin Ardjomandi.