DESIGN NAME: Wao Medical Mask Campaign
PRIMARY FUNCTION: Medical Mask Campaign
INSPIRATION: Covid-19 is the global issue and everyone has to work together to get us out of the pandemic. The campaign is to bring everyone's attention to the importance of self protection through using medical mask. The campaign message is delivered again and again through a colourful & graphical approach that we need to fight and defeat this together. It is also particularly important for everyone to receive a strong message about the importance of unity no matter our differences.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Started with the brand name creation, all the way through to marketing campaign & execution for the launch of a medical mask. The entire campaign included design of the logo, packaging, as well as content creation for social media and the e-commerce platform. All channels & mediums delivered one strong message - 'We Are One' to fight against the common enemy Covid-19, regardless boundaries, nations, races, religions & etc.
A self-lock lid packaging was introduced considering the hygienic element together with individual pack written a reinforcing message of 'We fight as one, We win as one'.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: Given the pandemic situation, daily needs on mask becoming a new norm. We hope the colourful graphics will enlighten the darkness of the situation while not forgetting the functionality of the packaging. The self-locked lid makes it easy to access and with each beautifully wrapped individual pack keeps the mask in best possible hygienic condition.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The campaign started in May 2020 and still continuing as of today.
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: We delivered the campaign through a combination of elements - including website (e-commerce platform), packaging, give away mask related products in this special launch edition as well as informative social media content regarding the awareness of self protection through wearing a mask.
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Special edition mask packaging with self-lock lid that comes with complimentary ear protectors or mask keeper to help people to ease their ear pain or hygienic worries.
Website with e-commerce platform to communicate brand message as well as ease the logistic issue of mask purchase for the community in Hong kong due to stay home policy.
Social Media with continuous update on product information and self protection message.
TAGS: Medical Mask, Medical Mask Packaging Design, Covid19 Campaign, We fight as one we win as one, Healthcare
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: The understanding of people perception towards mask especially when comes to cultural differences, How packaging could help as a medium for campaign to convey messages, How to make it easy for people to use to promote usage.
CHALLENGE: How do we change the perception of a medical product which will potentially be a new norm for daily protection due to the pandemic situation. we wanted to bring a strong message across to people in helping to protect themselves but yet it shouldn't add fear and burden to what is already a panic in the society.
ADDED DATE: 2020-07-25 09:34:47
TEAM MEMBERS (4) : Creative Director, William Cheung , Project Manager, Vivian Lim, Designer, Angie Chum and Designer, Chris Lee
IMAGE CREDITS: William Cheung - 3.3 Production Ltd, 2020.