DESIGN NAME: Radial Glove
PRIMARY FUNCTION: Disinfectant glove
INSPIRATION: The princeps pollicis artery, in humans, transmits the blood to all parts of the hand. Observing the performance of radial and ulnar arteries has inspired us to design a glove that is capable of transmitting alcohol to all parts of the hand that is subjected to contact with exterior objects. As a result of this design, the daily routines will be carried out easier and it also controls the transmission of virus from surfaces to humans.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Radial glove is a disinfectant glove that can be used in different businesses such as shipping companies or warehouse of factories. This glove is able to disinfect surfaces of high-contact objects by secreting alcohol through its very narrow and flexible tubes. These flexible tubes are directly connected to an alcohol container and it passes through high contact spots of the hands, similar to ulnar arteries.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: Every time that we clench your fist and release them, due to the pressure that is exerted on both sides of the tubes, the alcohol starts to move from a tiny chargeable storage and reaches to the surface of the hand. In this regard, if we touch object surfaces such as tables or any other high-contact surfaces, that area will be totally sanitized.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The project started in May 2020 in Tehran and finished in July 2020 in Tehran.
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: In order to sew the thin plastic reticulated tubes to the cloth body of the glove, the ultrasonic linear sewing device was used. The material of the cloth (textile), the main body of the glove, is UF PRO special material. Inside the tubes are made out of tissueless SpunLace cloth, for better and faster transmitting of the alcohol.
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Middle Finger Length 90 mm , Palm Width 100 mm , Palm Circumference 240 mm
TAGS: Gloves ,Virus , Disinfectants , Product
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: SARS-COV2 virus can remain functional for three hours in the air, three hours on copper, 24 hours on cardboard and 2 to 3 days on stainless steel but it cannot survive very much on cloth. Thus, by designing this cloth glove, we prevent the transmission of virus from hands. Furthermore, the discharge of alcohol inside it, contributes to the disinfection of surfaces with high virus survival chance such as plastics, cardboards and metals. The aforementioned data have been garnered from the New England Journal of Medicine.
CHALLENGE: One of the project challenges, was to find a material which can maintain the alcohol in itself and be cost-effective as well. For this matter, we tested plenty of cloths but eventually, the nonwoven tissueless cloths were a more convenient choice for transmission and maintain the alcohol.
ADDED DATE: 2020-07-23 17:21:09
TEAM MEMBERS (1) : Paniz Kadkhoda Kazemi
IMAGE CREDITS: Paniz Kadkhoda Kazemi