DESIGN NAME: Stagger Dining Booth
INSPIRATION: Stagger aims to reimagine the dining experience, because Covid-19 has overturned the restaurant business model and imposed new constraints. In the peak of the outbreak, most governments have paused dine-in in restaurants. Thus, people became less assured with dining indoors. Stagger blends the mid-century modern style, prevalent during the uncertain times after World War One, with bold colors, clean lines, and gentle organic curves in the hope of regaining people's faith in the future.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Stagger Dining Booth creates an innovative dine-in experience through modularized furniture to conform with the new norm during the pandemic. Stagger booths with physical barriers constrain the circulation of droplets and air, and still remain sufficient distance. The two-piece streamlined booth is simple to assemble, easy to clean, and flexible to fit the given space. Stagger Booth seeks to recover a dine-in experience that is familiar, untroubled, and at long last pleasurable.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: Stagger Dining Booth is created for public dining. The stagger design ensures the safety distance among booths and utilizes the vertical space. Diners can find themselves comfortably settled in the spacious 4-/6-person booth which confines floating droplets by partitions.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The project was initiated back in New York City in March 2020, when confirmed cases of Covid-19 rocketed and caused an unprecedented "pause" of the Big Apple. The team observed the phenomenon, analyzed the trend, collected data, and conducted research. The design process was completed during June and July 2020.
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: Stagger uses polypropylene (PP) plastics and would be produced with injection molding technique. Our modular design approach results in reasonable structure, reliable operation, and coherent dimension, and thus it reduces the cost of the mold and manufacture.
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: 2,300 mm x 760 mm x 2,800 mm (Width x Depth x Height)
TAGS: Covid-19, Coronavirus, Indoor dining, Dining booth, 6-foot spacing, Partitions
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: The research focuses on optimizing indoor dining settings and takes public health as a key factor in the face of Covid-19. In the midst of the outbreak, the team has observed various coping mechanisms for dining area arrangements, and analyzed impacts of existing solutions against profitability. Identified key factors are as follows: easily implementable for restaurant owners without hiring contractors for installation, adaptable to different floor plans, flexible for varied group sizes, safe and yet efficient to remain profitable, hassle-free to manufacture, ship, and demonstrate a sense of reliability.
CHALLENGE: The primary concern is to lower possibilities of airborne transmission for indoor dining. With Stagger, partitions help constrain the air circulation and utilize the space vertically. Moreover, the modular approach accommodates different floor plans and group sizes, and is easy to manufacture. Another critical challenge is to allow for easy cleansing with the overall streamlined shape. The PP plastics material is lightweight, durable, and easy for transportation.
ADDED DATE: 2020-07-23 15:25:21
TEAM MEMBERS (3) : Yueh-Han Lin, Bing-Hsun Wu and Yu-Hsing Wu