INSPIRATION: Our project started from 2019-NCOV, which was rampant all over the world. The life of human beings was threatened with death. What was more terrible than death was the fear of 2019-NCOV, so that we think it is necessary to design a product to protect people’s life and reduce social fear. Design language is completely inspired from Scandinavian design characteristics. Simplicity, minimalism and functionality combined with easy user interaction built the fundamentals of the product.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: In the current period when 2019-nCov is ravaging the world. We designed UVC LED Wand Sanitizer which is able to to disinfect objects and kill household common viruses and bacteria rate up to over 99.9%. It utilizes UVC light (at 265nm wavelength) to effectively destroys nucleic acids and breaks apart bacteria DNA. With their DNA broken, bacteria can’t function or reproduce, and the organisms die. This wand is small, fashion and portable for home and travel use.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: Facethe uv lamp side tothe objects, unlockthe child lock. Long press 3S to start the wand, and the white and uvc working indicator will light up. Hang the sterilizer lamp above the objects for6S within 3cmfor sterilizing. After use, short press 2S to shut off the sterilizer wand.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The project was launched in Shenzhen on February 24, 2020, and the mold design was completed on March 13, 2020. Go online on Amazon on June 16, 2020.
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Product size 300*60*40mm Package: 344*80*84mm
TAGS: UVC, 2019-NCOV, Small, Lightweight, portable, safe, efficient sterilization,disinfection
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: In order to provethe functions and sterilization effectof this product, our designing department have used different bacteria&germs samples to test it. According tothelaboratory test, it is able to disinfect and eliminatehousehold common bacteria and virusrate up to 99.9%
CHALLENGE: The most challenging part of the project is how to avoid the direct exposure of ULTRAVIOLET light to human body and make the product ergonomically designed with good experience and efficiency. During the early sketchingprocess, only by paying a lot of effortcome up with the most unique solutionand design.
ADDED DATE: 2020-07-22 08:39:40
TEAM MEMBERS (1) : Zhen Xie ,Fubiao Chen
IMAGE CREDITS: Bill Chen, 2020.