INSPIRATION: The inspiration came from folding fan. In Chinese culture, women coveres faces with fans to keep distance. Fans have traditional Chinese charm, poetically keeping distance from other things. It not only brings Chinese traditional culture into modern furniture, but also creates tranquility and peotry in this epidemic period.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: In the epidemic period of COVID 19, people want more private space in the public. This chair emerge as the times require. The fan surface is made of polyethylene mesh, when people want to be alone, they can expand the fan, prevent virus spreading by droplet; when people sit with friends, they can close fan to conversation. The seat joins by a tenon and mortise, which absorbs the subtleties of traditional Chinese furniture. It's firm and exquisite.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: People sit down, then open the folding fan to keep distance from others.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The project started in April 2020 in China and finished in June 2020 in China.
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: The seat is joined by means of a mortise and tenon, including T shaped tenon, zong corner tenon and swastika tenon. The fan surface of the chair is made up of polyethylene filter mesh material and the rest is made of wood.
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Width 1500mm x Depth 500mm x Height 450mm
TAGS: classical, furniture, seat, epidemic, public
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: In recent years, the influence of eastern culture has become increasingly noticeable. I tried to take these trends into account and incorporate elements of Chinese philosophy into my design in order to create more private spaces in public seats. I hope it can bring tranquil and poetry to people in the epidemic period of COVID 19.
CHALLENGE: The hardest part of Fan Chair was to find a convenient solution to realize the gather and separate between people on the seat and it's difficult to combine folding fan and public seat ingeniously. The final solution was to use the fan surface to create space and the fan was placed in the armrest of the chair to make the whole product more integrated.
ADDED DATE: 2020-06-30 08:50:19
IMAGE CREDITS: Haoyu Li, 2020.