INSPIRATION: At the beginning of 2020, the COVID-19 virus broke out globally. With the resumption of labor and production, how to maintain a safe distance in the cafeteria has become a widespread social problem. The traditional dining block will cause people to suppress the closed space when it is used. After the virus is over, the traditional products will also face a large number of abandoned and wasted problems. This product successfully solves the serious problems of dining block by design.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Akso dining block is an epidemic prevention device that solves the problem of abandonment and waste that traditional dining block will face through multi-functional use.
The product uses a transparent block design, so that users will not be depressed because of the enclosed space even when they are eating in isolation.
The product has a fast disinfection system. The user only needs to introduce disinfectant in the disinfection chamber. The liquid will be automatically absorbed by the sponge in the crossbar and disinfected during the film's retracting process.
The product has been designed in multiple ways of use, even after the epidemic is over, it will not face problems such as abandonment and waste.
1. Put the product in the center of the desktop.
2. Press the bottom suction cup button to fix the product.
3. Open all the folding rods and press the top of the product to lower the height.
4. Pull open and fix the plastic film.
After the virus:
Open or replace part of the film as needed, and use it as a publicity display stand.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The project started in Shenyang, China in April 2020 and was completed in Shenyang in June 2020.
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: The main material of this product is engineering plastic and the surface is polished. The combination of the main colors of green and white allows the product to be placed in a dining environment to give a clean and relaxed feeling. The product uses a transparent block design, so that users will not be depressed because of the enclosed space even when they are eating in isolation. And this product adopts multi-functional design, after the epidemic situation can also provide users with other functions.
TAGS: COVID-19, Resumption of work and production, safe distance, dining block, Quarantine
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: This research is applied research. The purpose is to solve the phenomenon that people cannot maintain a safe distance when dining in the cafeteria during the resumption of labor during the virus. We determine the basic plan through a lot of discussion, hand-drawing and software modeling, and then continue to deny and improve. Participants include all members of the team. Finally, we completed the research goal and designed the product. The design of this product will play an important role in resuming work and resuming production during the spread of major infectious diseases in the future.
CHALLENGE: While maintaining a safe dining distance, it does not affect the mood of the diners. After the virus can not cause one-time waste of resources.
ADDED DATE: 2020-06-18 11:49:24
TEAM MEMBERS (1) : Xu Zeng, Honghe Gao, Yulun Wu, Yanzheng Wu, Meixin Li
IMAGE CREDITS: Image #1: Xu Zeng
Image #2: Honghe Gao
Image #3: Meixin Li
Image #4: Yulun Wu
Image #5: Yanzheng Wu