DESIGN NAME: Sticky cleaner
INSPIRATION: The basic idea comes from volcanoes, the symbol of power and greatness able to release high a volume of magma out. On a smaller scale, this spray can sanitize a wide space around it quickly. The overall idea of the design is such that it extends from a large scale to a point above that evokes the human need for unity and solidarity to achieve a common goal (overcoming the virus).
Due to the necessity of carrying masks, gloves, shields, etc, during the Covid-19 period, lighter and more ergonomic products seem more efficient.
Since this product is made of compact plastic which makes it light and because of its optimized design it can be used in various places and situations.
It can be attached to many surfaces because of its vacuum system in the back which makes it easy to carry around.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: It made of PLA, ABS, and flexible plastics to have high resistance and low weight. It has a tank that can carry 5 milliliters that is equal to 50-time use and can clean itself easily.
Relative vacuum mechanism that is produced by a washer and screw, assist product to stick to all kind of surfaces.
All parts are connected, the tank is connected to the cover and can be separated from the surface by turning motion of the whole product.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The project designed in May 2020 in Isfahan.
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: it is expected to use compact and flexible plastic to manufacture this product both by plastic injection methods.
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Height: 15 mm, width: 50 mm, length: 59 mm
TAGS: Modern, corona, covid 19, spray, sticky cleaner, hope
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: We observed and analyzed the behavior of a group of people aged from 7 to 70 in a week to create a list of things and surfaces people are most in touch with. It helped us choose and evaluate the subject more carefully so we would be able to consider every aspect of it.
The list can be helpful not only with Covid-19 but also with new viruses in the future.
CHALLENGE: The concept research led us to a list of surfaces, things, etc. that people are in contact with. The list also indicated the wide connection network between people which helps the virus spread. That was when we decided to design a product that requires a small space and is light and affordable. It had to be rechargeable and easy to attach to other surfaces which made it super easy to carry around everywhere. The product can be easily opened and closed.
ADDED DATE: 2020-05-27 17:06:53
TEAM MEMBERS (2) : Shahin Karimi and Hooman Katebi
IMAGE CREDITS: Image #1: Renderer, Shahin Karimi, Hooman katebi, Render, Mohammad Meyzari, post production, 2020.
Image #2: Renderer, Shahin Karimi, Hooman katebi, Render, Mohammad Meyzari, post production, 2020.
Image #3: Renderer, Shahin Karimi, Hooman katebi, Render, Mohammad Meyzari, post production, 2020.
Image #4: Renderer, Shahin Karimi, Hooman katebi, Render, Mohammad Meyzari, post production, 2020.
Image #5: Renderer, Shahin Karimi, Hooman katebi, Render, Mohammad Meyzari, post production, 2020.