INSPIRATION: Going on a daily walk in UK around where I live became increasingly difficult with busy areas as was constantly having to cross the road to keep safe distance from other pedestrians. So felt the need for an app that would help curate journeys for me that would take me down quieter routes and explore more of the city that I currently live in.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Wander helps users to stay safe while exercising during quarantine, guiding the users on quiet routes and uses Google and Apples data to keep the information up to date. As apps can be expensive to create, I wouldn't want it to be obsolete after COVID 19 so I added features that would be encouraging for disabled users to produce personalised walks that match their needs - for example wheelchair friendly? pet-friendly? busy? suitable in the dark?
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: This app would be used to begin a walk from the user's home and create a circular route, so the end destination would also be their home. The user would either specify duration or distance of the walk and the app would create their walk with their specifications. Options have been added to allow the app to also be used for people with mental and physical disabilities, so the app is not redundant when the pandemic is over.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: This project was created in a week (a challenge I set myself) in April 2020.
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: The designs were created on Adobe Illustrator and animated using Adobe After Effects. The screen grabs are concepts for the app.
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: The designs were created around the dimensions of an iPhone6/7/8 and the screen size is 750 x 1334 px.
TAGS: Walking, Mobile, Application, Environment, Nature, Disability, Mental Health
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: South Korea had used contract-tracing methods on mobile devices, which then streamlined the process of testing as they had an idea who had come into contact with the virus. Keeping up to date with the news helped strongly with the project as allowed me to continuously analyse my work and how it could improve in regards to the current guidelines and information by the government.
CHALLENGE: The hardest part for me was to think of something that hadn't been thought of before and I tackled this by experiencing the lockdown and thinking "What would make this situation easier for me and others around me?"
ADDED DATE: 2020-05-11 20:08:34
IMAGE CREDITS: Katrina, 2020.
PATENTS/COPYRIGHTS: Copyrights belong to Katrina Lee, 2020