DESIGN NAME: Coronavirus Informational Poster
PRIMARY FUNCTION: Informational Poster
INSPIRATION: I was inspired to create this poster following the mass-hysteria of fear that I noticed societies succumbing to when the outbreak began to infect countries around the world. It has been difficult to remain optimistic as people now treat their fellow human beings as 'the enemy' to be avoided. The global lock-down has given rise to social distancing and caused a devastating blow to economies. The sooner we rid ourselves of the Coronavirus ,the better : Prevention is the best cure.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This is a poster designed to create awareness following the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic.
The hand-drawn background displays imagery of the Coronavirus as well as other bacteria species known to attack the lungs .The design reminds people of the vulnerability of their lungs and reminds them to value the lungs by staying healthy and applying the preventative measures shown in the poster :These will reduce the risk of being infected when they interact with other human beings daily.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: This is a poster which can be printed out and be placed on display in any location /environment. In my mock-ups I have showcased the poster being displayed on a Bus stop shelter and in an underground subway station. I have also taken the initiative to showcase how the design could be used for packaging which could be used to house sanitation products. I have used a shopping bag as an example in 2 of my Mock-ups.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The poster was designed and completed digitally in April 2020.
FITS BEST INTO CATEGORY: Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: This is a Poster which compiles hand-drawn design components into a final design using Adobe Illustrator.
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: This poster design was created on an A2 Page. The dimensions are: 420 x 594 mm.
TAGS: #Covid19, #Coronoavirus, #staysafe, #StaySafeStayHome, #FlattenTheCurve, Lungs, Lockdown, Preventative Measures, Protect Your Lungs, Social Distancing
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: Prior to designing the poster , I researched - and compiled data - on the COVID-19 epidemic and Coronavirus itself (See PDF). I then also did some research on how the Coronavirus attacks the lungs and why the worst cases can lead to pneumonia: I found scientific reference images for what the Coronovirus and lung-attacking bacteria look like under the microscope. Using hand-drawings , I combined the virus and bacteria into an artwork 'collage' which I used as the background design of my poster. I then also prepared visual imagery in regards to the preventative measures that can be used to increase the odds of not getting infected. Upon completion, I then was able to go about designing my poster in Adobe Illustrator until I was happy with the layout ; The poster outcome has been presented as my 'Main Image'.
CHALLENGE: Finding an aesthetically pleasing way to present all the different design components ended up being the hardest part of the challenge. I redesigned the poster 7/8 times of the course of 2-3 weeks as I struggled with creative block. Eventually, however, my patience and perseverance paid off and I was able to complete the poster design.
ADDED DATE: 2020-05-10 15:37:49
TEAM MEMBERS (1) : Artist and Designer : Primrose Charmz
IMAGE CREDITS: Image#1:[ Illustrator Primrose Charmz , Graphic Designer Primrose Charmz , Value Your Health : Protect Your Lungs , 2020.]
Image#2:[ Poster Design Primrose Charmz , Indoor Advertisement Banner Stand Mock-up , Value Your Health : Protect Your Lungs , 2020 ]
Image#3: [ Packaging Graphic Design Primrose Charmz , Shopping Bag Mock-up 01 , Value Your Health : Protect Your Lungs , 2020 ]
Image#4: [ Packaging Graphic Design Primrose Charmz , Shopping Bag Mock-up 02 , Value Your Health : Protect Your Lungs , 2020 ]
Image#5:[ Poster Design Primrose Charmz , Outdoor Industrial Billboard Poster Mock-up Poster Mockup , Value Your Health : Protect Your Lungs , 2020 ]