DESIGN NAME: Helping Hands
PRIMARY FUNCTION: Mobile Application
INSPIRATION: The COVID-19 crisis, while still ongoing, has presented obstacles that have changed the way we think as individuals and as a community. Trying to remain a strong community despite competing for local supplies and social distancing is among the most difficult challenges presented by this crisis. We believe in community and that people, if able, will lend a helping hand. We saw the challenges being faced as well as the limitations that needed to be overcome in order to provide help and decided to
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Helping Hands brings communities together in times of crisis and uncertainty. The social supply sharing app provides community members a convenient way to share and reach out for critical supplies that may be otherwise unavailable. Through safe sharing, coordinated grocery pickup. Helping Hands enables a community to work together even when being physically close is impossible.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: . Helping Hands is an application that is free for users to download. Inside the application, users begin by either joining groups suggested by location, or create groups for their local communities. Helping Hands then will enable users to share food and other supplies with the members of their communities safely. Users can make their extra supplies available or request the supplies they need and will be guided through steps to ensure safe pickup or drop-off.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: Design professionals based in San Francisco and Atlanta, Mary Camara, Luke Dublirer, Jocelyn Escobedo and Chandler Hall, led by Anjali Srikanth, put their heads together to come up with an application idea that would bring communities together. Inspired by the need for a safe supply sharing application that enables users to come together and share with their community, we began the development of Helping Hands. The development and refinement of the Helping Hands application began in March 2020.
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: The making of Helping Hands began with observing failing supply chains during the COVID 19 crisis. Brainstorming solutions and wire-framing the best ideas led us to the concept of an app that enables a community to share supplies. Knowing the what and who of our design, we formed design principles for the creation of the app. We developed personas and user stories that guided our decision making as we iterated the design of the application using Figma a collaborative interface design tool.
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: The Helping Hands Figma design prototype is a high-fidelity prototype that includes all app pages and basic functionality simulations. It is designed for iOS and android specifications. Graphic elements, including the logo design, were created using Figma and InDesign.
TAGS: Sharing, sharing app, community sharing app, community app, supplies sharing, supplies sharing app, neighborhood sharing app, neighborhood app, grocery sharing app
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: The types of research we utilized included both qualitative and quantitative methods. Our research objectives were threefold. To understand the cause and effect of supply chain shortages during times of crisis. To understand the impacts of crisis conditions, such as social distancing, on community engagement, more specifically on community support channels. To understand the landscape of supply sharing platforms available. Our research showed the potential benefits of the Helping Hands concept.
CHALLENGE: The hardest part of this design process for our team was managing the scope of the application. As a designer, there is a temptation to continue to add features. With this design, we limited the features of the app to those that were essential or made the essential functions more accessible. Slimming the app down to make it more usable, while preserving its capability to provide a service to society, was a constant balancing act that required creative design solutions from our team.
ADDED DATE: 2020-05-01 01:39:23
TEAM MEMBERS (6) : Anjali Srikanth, Mary Camara Concepcion, Chandler Hall, Luke Dublirer, Jocelyn Escobedo and
IMAGE CREDITS: Main Image: Anjali Srikanth
Optional Image 1: Anjali Srikanth
Optional Image 2: Chandler Hall
Optional Image 3: Mary Camara Concepcion
Optional Image 4: Luke Dublier
Option Image 5: Jocelyn Escobedo