INSPIRATION: the name of this competition was an inspiration to me, i wanted ti illustrate the war on virus literally; that is why it came to my mind that the mask look like a parachute, and its really doing the same purpose to the soldier ( it helps solider to invade the enemy and to survive), and as we are in a war against corona then we are soldiers, thus i used the plastic soldier in the poster to convey people fighting corona-virus, and the mask as their parachute.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Ad illustrates the mask as parachute, and people as a plastic solider, the soldier is almost landing perfectly and safely to the ground with his parachute; conveying the safety when wearing a mask. This Ad is inviting people to wear masks to protect them self's from corona-virus, and reminds them in the importance of makes in this war, it tells them that they are actually fighting against corona-virus when they wear their masks because they will stop the infection.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: when you look to the poster you first will see a plastic soldier parachuting, after reading the text, immediately you will realize that this is corona virus ad, and get the idea by connecting the parachute and mask safety role in the war.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The project started in 10th of April 2020 in Jordan, it finished in two days. this poster is one of 4 posters talking about corona-virus, it was not displayed or exhibited in any place before, i designed it specially for this contest. I'm just displaying it on my Behance account to provide a link for the public
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: I used Adobe Photoshop and Adobe illustrator programs to create this poster.
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: RGB, size: (A4 Proportions) fit on 3600px *3600px, resolution:72 dpi, bit depth 24
TAGS: Corona, virus, parachute, soldier, war, mask, health, awareness, poster, fight
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: my research for this project was mainly about the world health organisation recommendations, on how to protect our self's from corona-virus. i just looked for simple recommendations such as: wash your hands, do not shake hands, do not touch your eyes, wear a mask..etc to emphasize on what regular people can do to fight Corona-virus; because i wanted my poster to be an awareness poster.
CHALLENGE: the text in this poster was my challenge; i wanted simple but yet expressive slogan, to clear the idea of the poster.
i had to use head line ( war on virus) to emphasize on war concept, and sub text ( wear your mask) to emphasize on world health organisation recommendations.
ADDED DATE: 2020-04-22 16:28:47
IMAGE CREDITS: image#1: Photographer Dech St/ shutterstock), Medical mask isolated on white background, Corona protection, With clipping path, stock photo ID: 1654359583
image#2:Photographer thirteennineteen/shutterstock, solider toy, stock photo ID: 398653990