INSPIRATION: Corona-virus shape was my inspiration for this poster, i remembered the world health organisation Recommendations about washing hands, and never shack hands. I started to look how peoples' hands could be full of viruses in a way that maks you think that hands are the corona-virus it self, i wanted to express this idea to people to encourage them to wash their hands, but in different and alerting way, thus i made the virus shape using human hands.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: In this poster you can see different hands gathered and made corona-virus shape. This poster is giving a warning message to people about the possibility of catching corona virus from other's hands or when touching contaminated surfaces; emphasizing on some of the world health organisation Recommendations, which are to keep wash your hands, and to never shake others' hands, because they might be full of the viruses, and this poster is telling people to do that in a different way by reminding them with the reality with more seriousness.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: When people first look to the poster they might not recognize the corona virus shape immediately. Until they take a deep look at that creepy shape and read the text, then they will realize that this is a corona- virus Ad, and this shape is a corona virus shape, and they will enhance the idea. People wont just get the idea of that hands could holds corona-virus but also they will feel it, it will affect deeper than asking them to never shake hands, and wash their hands; they already know what to do, but we want them to feel of the importance of doing it and that those recommendations were made to protect them, they will remember the corona virus when ever they see hands or shacking hands.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The project started in 1st of April 2020 in Jordan, it finished in two days.
this poster is one of 4 posters talking about corona-virus, it was not displayed or exhibited in any place before, i designed it specially for this contest.
FITS BEST INTO CATEGORY: Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: I used Adobe Photoshop program to create the virus shape, i used about
13 hand pose to create this shape, then i produced it as png file and imported it on Adobe illustrator and added the text.
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: RGB, size: (A4 Proportions) fit on 3600px *3600px, resolution:72 dpi, bit depth 24
TAGS: Corona, virus, hands, shaped, shake, wash, health, awareness, poster, fight
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: my research for this project was mainly about the world health organisation recommendations, on how to protect our self's from corona-virus. i just looked for simple recommendations such as: wash your hands, dont shake hands, dont touch your eyes, wear a mask..etc to emphasize on what regular people can do to fight Corona-virus; because i wanted my poster to be an awareness poster. my visual research was about corona-virus shape so that i can be inspired, also to better illustrate the shape of corona virus with hands.
CHALLENGE: the 1st challenge was on how to make the hands look like corona virus shape but in the same time to keep hands obvious, because i wanted the shape to look creepy a little bit in the first glance.the 2nd challenge was with the text, a simple slogan did not work here, i had to use ahead line (you never now from where you could catch corona virus) to clear the idea, and a sub text (please wash your hands) to remind them about the world health recommendations.
ADDED DATE: 2020-04-09 14:10:13
IMAGE CREDITS: image#1: Photographer viewgene/ shutterstock), Set of hands of a caucasian female to grab objects, isolated on white, stock photo ID: 110322125
image#2:Photographer rvlsoft/shutterstock, Collage of woman hands on white backgrounds, stock photo ID: 115608709.