DESIGN NAME: Umbrella Virus
INSPIRATION: The idea from the beginning was to create a simple yet iconic graphic that communicates a simple message to our society; the inspiration came from the work of Lex Drewinski who uses minimal forms and colors to send strong messages to the public.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Graphic Design is the visual language for the world so we as designers have the responsibility to create visuals that communicate important messages to the world. The poster was created to inform the people that they need to protect yourself and others during from the COVID-19. The uniqueness of this poster was to design a combination of using the umbrella (which is internationally recognized as a for protection) and elements of the virus coming out of the umbrella.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: The poster operates as a communication object which informs people of the virus.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The poster was created in February 2020 in Quito and will be finished in August 2020, and was exhibited in many countries around the such as Taiwan, Russia, Iran, Ecuador. More exhibitions to be confirmed soon.
FITS BEST INTO CATEGORY: Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: The poster was produced over a long process of investigating the topic, hundreds of sketches and finally created in the simple yet iconic vectors in the program Adobe Illustrator.
TAGS: virus, protect, COVID-19, umbrella, coronavirus
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: The research was an investigation of the problem that the COVID-19 virus and the impact that it is currently having on our planet and society in general. A visual database of various images was used that are related to the situation and how the virus actually looks. This process was very important to understand what is happening with the virus.
CHALLENGE: The biggest obstacle was to design a simple yet creative concept that everyone could understand. To find this concept involved much sketching, thinking and investigating.
ADDED DATE: 2020-03-29 17:09:48
TEAM MEMBERS (2) : Designer: Christopher Scott and Motion Design: Mauricio Navas (Non Studio)
IMAGE CREDITS: Designer: Christopher Scott, 2020
Video Credits: Mauricio Navas, Non Studio, 2020
PATENTS/COPYRIGHTS: Christopher Scott © Designer (2020)