Editor Frank Scott (FS) from DesignPRWire has interviewed designer Shan Lu (SL) for A' Design Awards and Competition. You can access the full profile of Shan Lu by clicking here. Access more information about the award winning design Memo Health here. |
Interview with Shan Lu at Wednesday 26th of April 2017 FS: What is the main principle, idea and inspiration behind your design? SL: I am originally a software engineer, and started Memo Box project while I was in Cambridge University, wanting to solve a problem of my mum not remembering whether she had taken her meds or not. My design principle has largely been coined by this purpose: to create a simple and beautiful product that can be happily used by my family, friends and myself. Therefore, I always look to optimize the functionality, design and cost-efficiency of a product. FS: What has been your main focus in designing this work? Especially what did you want to achieve? SL: With the design of Memo Health, I minimize all unnecessary details to lift the burden to users, whilst keeping essential functions and natural interface, based on my understanding of users. For instance, the air bubble design with the Meds alarms in Memo Health, and this is to build a natural and unintrusive interaction between users and device. FS: Who is the target customer for his design? SL: I started my Memo Box project to help my mom solve a problem of not remembering to take her meds. Therefore, the target customers/users of Memo Health, would be those who found forgetfulness become an obstacle in maintaining healthy lifestyles. Specifically, they can pair Memo Health with Memo Box Smart Pillbox to remind themselves take meds on time; they can also use Memo Health on a standalone basis to remind them to keep certain habits. In addition, the family management function in Memo Health enables users to check on their family members meds intake schedules. FS: What sets this design apart from other similar or resembling concepts? SL: Compared with other software-only meds reminder apps, Memo Health is used together with Memo Box Smart Pillbox, and users do not need to manually input their meds intake data into the app. Once they open the box, Memo Health would have recorded this interaction. As a result, the data that we get would be more accurate, and this design has minimized the burden on users, hence would increase the stickiness of users to the app and the hardware.
A' Design Award and Competitions grants rights to press members and bloggers to use parts of this interview. This interview is provided as it is; DesignPRWire and A' Design Award and Competitions cannot be held responsible for the answers given by participating designers. |
Good design deserves great recognition. |
A' Design Award & Competition. |