Smart Garden Hydrophoni̇c Growing System by Onur Yusuf Daştan

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Editor Frank Scott (FS) from DesignPRWire has interviewed designer Onur Yusuf Daştan (OD) for A' Design Awards and Competition. You can access the full profile of Onur Yusuf Daştan by clicking here. Access more information about the award winning design Smart Garden here.

Interview with Onur Yusuf Daştan at Friday 3rd of May 2024

FS: What is the main principle, idea and inspiration behind your design?
OD: The fundamental principle behind my design philosophy is to draw inspiration from the seamless interactions we encounter in nature every day. I strive to blend the simplicity of minimalism and the sharpness of geometric forms with the organic surfaces found in the natural world. This design isn't just about aesthetics; it's about creating a symbiotic relationship between technology and nature in living spaces. Each feature is thoughtfully considered to harmonize with the user's daily life, aiming to inspire and elevate the quality of living. This approach doesn't just deliver a product but an experience that enriches life by seamlessly integrating nature into everyday spaces.

FS: What has been your main focus in designing this work? Especially what did you want to achieve?
OD: In designing this work, my main focus has been on creating a seamless integration of form and function that not only complements but enhances the living spaces it occupies. I aimed to achieve a design that acts not just as a functional item, but as a piece of interactive art that invites users to engage with it daily. The goal was to make the everyday act of gardening and interacting with nature an easy, enjoyable, and enriching experience, promoting a healthier lifestyle through direct contact with growing food at home. This involves using smart technology to simplify the care process and make it accessible to everyone, regardless of their gardening experience. Ultimately, it’s about enhancing the quality of life by bringing the calming and restorative benefits of nature into the home in a stylish and technologically sophisticated way.

FS: What are your future plans for this award winning design?
OD: Moving forward with this award-winning design, my plan is to continue evolving and refining the concept to better meet the needs of users and to embrace the latest advancements in technology and sustainability. I aim to expand its functionality, perhaps by incorporating more advanced sensors and AI to provide even more personalized gardening guidance and to optimize plant growth further. Additionally, I'm looking to explore broader applications beyond just residential settings. This could include adaptations for educational environments where it can serve as a practical learning tool, or for commercial spaces to enhance workplace wellness with green spaces. Sustainability will remain at the forefront of the design's evolution, focusing on more environmentally friendly materials and improving energy efficiency. The ultimate goal is to create a line of products that not only enhance users' living spaces aesthetically and functionally but also contribute positively to the environment, making green living a seamless part of modern life.

FS: How long did it take you to design this particular concept?
OD: Designing this particular concept was a comprehensive process that spanned about a year from initial concept to the final product design. It involved multiple stages of development, including ideation, prototyping, user feedback integration, and refinement to ensure that every aspect of the product not only met aesthetic standards but also functioned seamlessly within a user’s daily life. This time frame allowed for thorough testing and adjustments based on real-world usage to perfect the design and ensure it met all our goals for functionality, sustainability, and user engagement.

FS: Why did you design this particular concept? Was this design commissioned or did you decide to pursuit an inspiration?
OD: This particular concept was commissioned by a client who wanted to integrate modern technology with sustainable living practices in a way that could easily fit into the everyday life of diverse households. The goal was to create a product that not only provided practical benefits, like fresh produce, but also contributed to a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle through smart design. The client was looking for a solution that would stand out in the market not just for its functionality but for its aesthetic appeal and ease of use, making the Smart Garden a natural fit for their vision. This commission allowed me to merge my design expertise with innovative technology to create something truly unique and beneficial for users.

FS: Is your design being produced or used by another company, or do you plan to sell or lease the production rights or do you intent to produce your work yourself?
OD: The design is set to be produced by a partner company that specializes in home and garden innovations. This partnership will leverage their extensive resources and distribution networks to bring the Smart Garden to a wide audience, ensuring that the product is manufactured to the highest standards and reaches consumers effectively. We plan to maintain a close collaboration to monitor quality and innovate further as consumer needs evolve and new technologies emerge. This strategic alliance allows for the design to be scaled and adapted efficiently, facilitating a broader impact than could be achieved through independent production.

FS: What made you design this particular type of work?
OD: The inspiration for designing this particular type of work came from a growing awareness of the need for sustainable living solutions that are both practical and accessible to a wide range of people. The concept of integrating a garden into everyday living spaces appeals to the desire many have to reconnect with nature and take a more active role in managing their health and diet. Moreover, the increasing interest in smart home technology provided a perfect opportunity to merge traditional gardening with modern tech, enhancing usability and interaction. I was motivated by the challenge of creating something that not only serves a functional purpose—providing fresh, pesticide-free produce—but also enhances the aesthetic of a home and offers educational opportunities for all ages. This project was a chance to push the boundaries of traditional home products and explore how design can improve everyday life by blending nature, technology, and sustainability.

FS: Where there any other designs and/or designers that helped the influence the design of your work?
OD: While I developed this project independently, my design approach is deeply influenced by Dieter Rams and his principles of good design. Rams' emphasis on functionality, aesthetic minimalism, and user-friendliness resonates with my own values as a designer. His ten principles for good design—especially his beliefs in making products useful, aesthetic, understandable, and as little design as possible—have always guided my work. This project was no exception; it reflects the idea that good design is as little design as possible, focusing on the essentials rather than the extraneous. Rams' approach helped shape my vision for a product that is not only efficient and easy to use but also fits seamlessly into the user's environment, enhancing their interaction with technology in a meaningful way.

FS: Who is the target customer for his design?
OD: The design of the Smart Garden really caters to a variety of individuals who share a common interest in bringing more green into their lives, but perhaps for different reasons. It’s perfect for those who love technology and are excited by the idea of incorporating the latest gadgets into their daily routines. It's also ideal for busy professionals who crave simplicity and efficiency. They want fresh produce at their fingertips without the hassle of traditional gardening. Then, there are the urban dwellers who might not have much space but are passionate about sustainability and reducing their carbon footprint. The Smart Garden lets them grow their own food right in their apartments, connecting with nature in an urban setting. Parents looking for educational activities for their kids find the Smart Garden a great way to teach them about food and the environment in a hands-on way. And, of course, there are the food enthusiasts who love nothing more than fresh ingredients for their recipes. For them, the Smart Garden is not just a tool but an essential part of their cooking, bringing fresh herbs and veggies straight from "garden" to table. So, while the Smart Garden is quite versatile, it really shines for those who value health, sustainability, and technology, blending these aspects into a sleek, functional piece that fits right into the home.

FS: What sets this design apart from other similar or resembling concepts?
OD: What really sets this design apart is its holistic approach to integrating smart home technology with home gardening, creating a product that's not just functional but a seamless part of modern living. Unlike many other systems that may focus solely on the functional aspects of hydroponics, the Smart Garden marries aesthetics, technology, and user experience in a way that feels both intuitive and luxurious. Firstly, the design itself is minimalistic and sleek, making it a complementary addition to any home environment, whether it's a small apartment or a spacious house. This isn't just another appliance; it's a statement piece that enhances the decor. Technologically, it integrates features that go beyond simple plant growth. The inclusion of Bluetooth speakers and a wireless charging pad makes it a multi-functional hub, appealing not just to those interested in gardening but also tech enthusiasts who appreciate multifunctionality in their gadgets. Additionally, the user interface is designed to be incredibly user-friendly, removing the intimidation factor often associated with advanced hydroponic systems. It’s designed to engage users by making the gardening process simple and enjoyable, which encourages regular interaction and ultimately, a more consistent gardening habit. Lastly, the focus on sustainability—from the materials used in its construction to the low-energy consumption design—ensures that the product is not only good for the users but also for the planet. This aspect is especially important as more consumers look for eco-friendly options in their purchases. This blend of design, technology, and sustainability sets the Smart Garden apart in a crowded market of home gardening products.

FS: How did you come up with the name for this design? What does it mean?
OD: The name "Smart Garden" was actually chosen by my client who felt that it aptly reflects the essence of the product. She pointed out that "Smart Garden" is a term already familiar to many as it represents a category of products that integrate technology with traditional gardening. By naming it so, the intention was to immediately convey the product's functionality and innovative aspects while tapping into an established market recognition.

FS: Which design tools did you use when you were working on this project?
OD: When working on the Smart Garden project, I employed a combination of traditional and modern design tools to bring the concept to life. Initially, the ideas took shape on the very basic—pen and paper. This helped in quickly sketching out various concepts and iterating on the design flow. To explore the physical dimensions and spatial relationships, I used paper models, which were crucial for understanding how the components would fit together in a real-world setting. These models were held together with glue, allowing for quick modifications and adjustments based on immediate visual feedback. For the digital and more detailed part of the design process, software like Alias and CATIA were instrumental. Alias helped in refining the aesthetic surfaces, ensuring that the product not only functioned well but also had a sleek, modern look that could easily blend into various home environments. CATIA, on the other hand, was used for the more technical aspects of the design, like ensuring the integrity of the components and simulating different materials. Maya was utilized for rendering. It allowed me to create high-fidelity visualizations of the Smart Garden, which were essential for presenting the concept to stakeholders and for marketing purposes. Finally, 3D printing technology played a key role in prototyping. This allowed us to test out different designs quickly and make adjustments based on real-world use before finalizing the product for manufacturing. This iterative process, supported by a range of tools, ensured that the final product was not only innovative but also practical and visually appealing.

FS: What is the most unique aspect of your design?
OD: The most unique aspect of the Smart Garden design is its integration of a holistic, multisensory experience that goes beyond mere functionality. Unlike traditional hydroponic systems, it not only focuses on efficiently growing plants but also enhances the user's environment and interaction with the product. One of the standout features is the inclusion of Bluetooth speakers within the unit. This allows users to enjoy their favorite music or the soothing sounds of nature while they tend to their plants. This auditory experience transforms routine care into a relaxing, enjoyable activity, integrating a sense of calm and pleasure into everyday gardening tasks. Additionally, the design's aesthetic is deliberately minimalist and modern, making it not just a gardening tool but a piece of decor that enhances the living space. Its sleek form and neutral color palette ensure that it fits seamlessly into various interior designs without overwhelming the space. Finally, the system's smart features, like the water-level sensor and wireless charging pad, offer unprecedented convenience and functionality. These elements are designed to reduce the effort involved in plant care while keeping devices charged and connected, reflecting a true marriage of technology and nature. This combination of design elegance, sensory enhancement, and technological integration sets the Smart Garden apart as a unique product in the home gardening market.

FS: Who did you collaborate with for this design? Did you work with people with technical / specialized skills?
OD: For this design, I took on the project independently. Handling both the creative and technical aspects allowed me to ensure that every detail aligned perfectly with the overall vision I had for the Smart Garden. This solo approach meant diving deep into both the aesthetic elements and the functional intricacies of the design. While challenging, this allowed me to fully integrate my design principles with the practical requirements of a home gardening system. I managed every step from the initial sketches to the final renderings and prototype development, using a blend of design software and physical modeling to bring the concept to life. However, being a sole designer on a project like this also required upskilling in certain areas to handle all aspects efficiently, from material selection to the integration of smart technologies like sensors and Bluetooth capabilities. This comprehensive involvement not only enriched my own skill set but also ensured a cohesive and unified product as the end result.

FS: What is the role of technology in this particular design?
OD: In the Smart Garden, technology isn't just an add-on; it's woven into the fabric of the design to enhance both the gardening experience and the user's lifestyle. At its heart, the garden uses hydroponic technology, allowing plants to thrive in a water-based, nutrient-rich environment. This modern approach not only speeds up plant growth but also eliminates the mess associated with soil, making it a clean and sustainable option for indoor gardening. The garden is equipped with adjustable LED lighting that simulates natural sunlight, ensuring that plants get the precise spectrum of light they need, no matter the interior lighting conditions. This is especially useful in urban homes that might lack sufficient natural light, allowing for a lush garden anywhere in your home. Moreover, the integration of Bluetooth speakers transforms the gardening experience into a moment of relaxation and enjoyment. Imagine tending to your herbs and veggies while listening to your favorite playlist or perhaps some soothing nature sounds—it turns a routine task into a delightful escape. Adding to the convenience, the Smart Garden includes smart sensors, like the water-level sensor, which automates much of the care process. These sensors take the guesswork out of gardening, making it accessible to everyone, regardless of their gardening know-how. Finally, the inclusion of a wireless charging pad underscores the garden's role as a multi-functional hub. You can charge your devices right there, integrating plant care into your daily routine seamlessly and stylishly.

FS: Is your design influenced by data or analytical research in any way? What kind of research did you conduct for making this design?
OD: Absolutely, the creation of the Smart Garden was deeply rooted in a blend of analytical research and real-world data, ensuring the design not only met but anticipated the needs of potential users. Early on, I immersed myself in the market landscape to understand the prevailing trends and gaps in home gardening systems. This involved peeling back layers of consumer behavior and preferences which highlighted a strong demand for products that seamlessly integrate technology and sustainability. Engaging with potential users through surveys and prototype testing was particularly enlightening. It brought to light what people truly desired in their gardening experiences—convenience without compromising the personal touch of tending to a garden. These insights were invaluable as they steered the development process toward innovations that could truly resonate with users on a practical and emotional level. Exploring the latest in hydroponic technologies and smart home features was also critical. It was important to ensure that the Smart Garden wasn't just keeping pace with current technologies but pushing the envelope to provide a cutting-edge solution that could offer simplicity and efficiency in plant care. The aesthetics and ergonomics of the design were crafted with a meticulous eye for detail. The goal was to create a product that people would be proud to display in their homes—one that could elegantly blend into various interior styles while being incredibly intuitive to use. This thorough and multidimensional research approach allowed the Smart Garden to be more than just a product; it became a testament to what modern home gardening could be—a harmonious blend of form, function, and sustainability.

FS: What are some of the challenges you faced during the design/realization of your concept?
OD: Designing the Smart Garden presented a unique set of challenges, particularly stemming from financial constraints, as the project was spearheaded by a startup with a limited budget. This required a careful balancing act to maintain high design and function standards without overshooting the financial resources available. One of the most significant hurdles was managing the budget effectively while trying to incorporate all the desired features into the Smart Garden. Every decision, from the choice of materials to the technological integrations, had to be scrutinized for cost-efficiency without compromising the quality and aesthetics of the final product. Working full-time on the project was also physically and mentally demanding. The intensity and pace of the project, coupled with tight deadlines, meant there was little room for error or delay. This pressure was compounded during the prototyping phase, where the need to iterate quickly and cost-effectively was crucial. Each prototype had to be as close to perfect as possible to avoid costly reiterations. These challenges not only tested my resilience but also pushed me to be more creative and resourceful in problem-solving. Finding ways to optimize design and production processes to fit the budget, while still delivering a product that met all our user and functional requirements, was a continual learning experience. It was a testament to the power of innovation under pressure, proving that great products can emerge even when resources are tight.

FS: How did you decide to submit your design to an international design competition?
OD: Deciding to submit the Smart Garden to an international design competition was driven by a strong belief in the product and the effort that went into its creation. From the outset, I knew that we had developed something special—something that not only addressed a clear market need but did so with innovation and aesthetic appeal. The conviction in the quality and potential of the Smart Garden grew with each development phase. Seeing the design come to life and perform as intended solidified my confidence that it could stand out in a competitive landscape. Moreover, entering the competition seemed like a natural step to validate the hard work and ingenuity that had been invested into the product. Additionally, I recognized the potential benefits that winning an award could have for my client's startup. It would not only provide an excellent platform for exposure but also help establish their credibility in the industry. An accolade from a prestigious design competition like the A' Design Award could serve as a powerful endorsement, helping to launch their brand and open doors to new opportunities and markets. Encouraging the client to pursue this opportunity was part of ensuring that the Smart Garden received the recognition it deserved and that the startup could gain momentum from such a high-profile acknowledgment. This decision was about believing in the product's worth and the broader impact it could have for the client’s firm as they moved forward.

FS: What did you learn or how did you improve yourself during the designing of this work?
OD: Embarking on the Smart Garden project as an independent designer offered me a unique and enriching opportunity to dive deeply into design methodologies that I hadn't fully explored in previous roles. Specifically, the Double Diamond design process became a cornerstone of my approach, providing a structured framework to navigate through the project's complexities. This methodology, which divides the design process into four distinct phases—Discover, Define, Develop, and Deliver—allowed me to methodically uncover insights, define the problem, ideate solutions, and refine those solutions into a final product. Embracing this comprehensive approach helped me not only in organizing my workflow but also in ensuring that every aspect of the Smart Garden was thoughtfully considered and optimized. Through this project, I learned the importance of balancing creativity with systematic analysis and iterative development. Each phase of the Double Diamond pushed me to think critically, challenge assumptions, and rigorously test my ideas through prototypes and user feedback. This not only enhanced my design skills but also deepened my understanding of how to blend user needs with technological possibilities and aesthetic values. Overall, the experience solidified my capabilities as an independent designer, boosting my confidence in managing complete design cycles and reinforcing my commitment to creating user-centered, functional, and visually appealing products. It was a profound professional growth journey, transforming how I approach design challenges and interact with clients and their visions.

FS: Any other things you would like to cover that have not been covered in these questions?
OD: I think we've touched on a comprehensive range of topics that paint a detailed picture of the Smart Garden project. However, one aspect that could be further highlighted is the impact of user-centered design on the development process. Delving into how user feedback influenced specific design choices could provide deeper insights into the product's evolution and its alignment with real-world needs. Additionally, discussing the scalability of the design could be intriguing. Exploring potential future adaptations or expansions of the product line to cater to different market segments or to incorporate emerging technologies would illustrate the forward-thinking aspects of the project. Lastly, it might be beneficial to reflect on the environmental implications of the product. Detailing the sustainable practices involved in the manufacturing process, or the product's contribution to eco-friendly lifestyles, could underscore the Smart Garden's role in promoting sustainable urban living. These topics not only round out the story of the Smart Garden but also open up avenues for discussing broader themes like sustainable design practices, the importance of adaptability in products, and the role of designers in shaping user experiences.

FS: Thank you for providing us with this opportunity to interview you.

A' Design Award and Competitions grants rights to press members and bloggers to use parts of this interview. This interview is provided as it is; DesignPRWire and A' Design Award and Competitions cannot be held responsible for the answers given by participating designers.

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