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ResoNet Pavilion - Sinan Mansions

ResoNet Pavilion - Sinan Mansions Pavilion by William Chen - Creative Prototyping Unit is a winner of the 2017 Golden A' Design Award in Lighting Products and Fixtures Design.

ResoNet Pavilion - Sinan Mansions is a Golden A' Design Award winner, an immensely prestigious recognition granted to first-rate, marvelous, and outstanding designs.

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ResoNet Pavilion - Sinan Mansions Pavilion by William Chen - Creative Prototyping Unit Golden Lighting Products and Fixtures Design Award Winner 2017

ResoNet Pavilion - Sinan Mansions Pavilion

ResoNet Pavilion is commissioned by Sinan Mansions in Shanghai for the celebration of Chinese New Year 2017. It consists of a temporary pavilion plus an interactive LED light 'resonet' attached in the inner surface. It employs Low-Fi techniques to visualise the resonance frequencies inherent in the natural environment, via the interaction of the public and surrounding elements detected by a LED net. The Pavilion illuminates the public realm in response to vibration stimuli. Apart from visitors can come to make Spring Festival wishes, it can be also used as a performance stage.

ResoNet Pavilion - Sinan Mansions Pavilion by William Chen - Creative Prototyping Unit Golden Lighting Products and Fixtures Design Award Winner 2017
Golden Lighting Products and Fixtures Design Award Winner 2017 ResoNet Pavilion - Sinan Mansions Pavilion
ResoNet Pavilion - Sinan Mansions designed by William Chen - Creative Prototyping Unit
ResoNet Pavilion - Sinan Mansions - Golden Lighting Products and Fixtures Design Award Winner
William Chen - Creative Prototyping Unit's ResoNet Pavilion - Sinan Mansions Pavilion
Golden Lighting Products and Fixtures Design Award Winner 2017 ResoNet Pavilion - Sinan Mansions Pavilion
ResoNet Pavilion - Sinan Mansions designed by William Chen - Creative Prototyping Unit
ResoNet Pavilion - Sinan Mansions - Golden Lighting Products and Fixtures Design Award Winner
William Chen - Creative Prototyping Unit's ResoNet Pavilion - Sinan Mansions Pavilion

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ResoNet Pavilion - Sinan Mansions by William Chen - Creative Prototyping Unit

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Golden Winner

ResoNet Pavilion - Sinan Mansions Pavilion

ResoNet Pavilion - Sinan Mansions is a Golden A' Design Award winner, an immensely prestigious recognition granted to first-rate, marvelous, and outstanding designs. Golden winners are exceedingly innovative, visionary, and glamorously dazzling creations that reflect the prodigy, wisdom, and prowess of their designers. ResoNet Pavilion - Sinan Mansions is expected to be a praised, trendsetting, and monumental invention that delivers unprecedented value. This Golden A' Design Award-winning design is a spectacular, respected project that highly benefits and advances the boundaries of art, science, design, and technology. ResoNet Pavilion - Sinan Mansions creates intense feelings of desire, evokes passion, encourages creativity, and fascinates us.

Winner Designer

William Chen - Creative Prototyping Unit

William Chen - Creative Prototyping Unit

William Hailiang Chen has transferred himself from an artist to a professional qualified architect, graduated from the Architectural Association School with awarded Alvin Boyarsky Scholarship and Nicholas Boas Travel Award. He went on working for UK famous practices such as Wilkinson Eyre Architect, Populous and Foster and Partners on several prestigious projects, including winning the competition of 440m tower of Guangzhou International Finance Centre, the design of London Olympic 2012 Stadium from inception to completion and Apple Campus 2. Despite the success in UK, as Principal Architect he took on the challenge back to China leading the team on managing Wanda Group’s overseas projects including Wanda One Nine Elmes, Wanda Sydney One, Paris Europacity and Wanda Vista Tower project in Chicago. Alongside the big projects, as founder of Creative Prototyping Unit he is leading a research team on digital fabrication of various small experimental projects. William teaches part time at the Southeast University in Nanjing and is setting up an urban regeneration research program in relation to sports sector.

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Winner Client

Sinan Mansions

Sinan Mansions

Sinan Mansions area is an immense urban regeneration at the heart of Shanghai former French Concession, which includes the redevelopment of 51 colonial mansions from the '20s and '30s into four projects: the Hotel Massenet, which refers to the French musician Jules Massenet, commercial stretch of F&B and retail; luxury apartments; and corporate villas. This area is bounded by Fuxing Road to the north, Sinan Road (former Rue Massenet) to the west, and Chongqing Road to the east. The revamped villas now mostly house restaurants, bars and lifestyle boutiques. Shaded by tall plane trees planted by the French authorities 100 years ago, this is a pleasant area as an open air historical museum but full of modern life.

Winner Brand

Creative Prototyping Unit

Creative Prototyping Unit

Creative Prototyping Unit is a multidisciplinary design studio based in Beijing and London. The Studio is seeking the development of transdisciplinary discourse in the convergence of art, science, technology and cultural consciousness research.

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ResoNet Pavilion - Sinan Mansions Pavilion by William Chen - Creative Prototyping Unit Golden Lighting Products and Fixtures Design Award Winner 2017

Read The Inside Story

Discover in-depth story of the ResoNet Pavilion - Sinan Mansions, a Pavilion designed by the highly esteemed William Chen - Creative Prototyping Unit, awarded with the very prestigious A' Lighting Products and Fixtures Design Award. Explore more about the intricate details and the story behind this unique Pavilion now.

ResoNet Pavilion - Sinan Mansions Pavilion

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Press Releases

Read the official press release announcing ResoNet Pavilion - Sinan Mansions as a winner of the prestigious A' Design Award. The award-winner press release provides an overview of the ResoNet Pavilion - Sinan Mansions Pavilion's unique features, innovation, and impact.

Media Showcase

Explore the media showcase dedicated to ResoNet Pavilion - Sinan Mansions at Design|Newsroom, gain easy access to a wide range of media assets, including high-resolution images, videos, and additional resources related to the award-winning ResoNet Pavilion - Sinan Mansions Pavilion.

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Sinan Mansions, the brand behind William Chen - Creative Prototyping Unit's award-winning work ResoNet Pavilion - Sinan Mansions Pavilion, exemplifies the success that lighting products and fixtures design brands can achieve through the A' Design Award. By winning the Golden A' Design Award, Sinan Mansions has demonstrated its commitment to good design, innovation, and creative excellence.
Sinan Mansions

"ResoNet Pavilion - Sinan Mansions Pavilion" - Golden A' Design Award Winner

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