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Liquid Fuel

Liquid Fuel Candle by Mohammad Meyzari is a winner of the 2020 Iron A' Design Award in Furniture Design.

Liquid Fuel is an Iron A' Design Award winner, a prestigious recognition granted to good designs that meet the professional and industrial requirements expected from well-designed creations.

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Liquid Fuel Candle by Mohammad Meyzari Iron Furniture Design Award Winner 2020

Liquid Fuel Candle

In the modern days that the improper use of resources causes the threat of nature and humanity. Hence by designing and creating the products with more of works longevity as a substitute for similar products with the same efficiency that goes through time can help us. By combining a different look at what the alcoholic lights were doing in the laboratories and a different view of the indestructible candles designers created a new product. Then they can produce the liquid fuel candles that are also stable and burn like a candle.

Liquid Fuel Candle by Mohammad Meyzari Iron Furniture Design Award Winner 2020
Iron Furniture Design Award Winner 2020 Liquid Fuel Candle
Liquid Fuel designed by Mohammad Meyzari
Liquid Fuel - Iron Furniture Design Award Winner
Mohammad Meyzari's Liquid Fuel Candle
Iron Furniture Design Award Winner 2020 Liquid Fuel Candle
Liquid Fuel designed by Mohammad Meyzari
Liquid Fuel - Iron Furniture Design Award Winner
Mohammad Meyzari's Liquid Fuel Candle

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Liquid Fuel by Mohammad Meyzari

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Furniture Design Award Winner in 2020.

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Iron Winner

Liquid Fuel Candle

Liquid Fuel is an Iron A' Design Award winner, a prestigious recognition granted to good designs that meet the professional and industrial requirements expected from well-designed creations. Iron winners demonstrate great skill, high specialization, expert understanding, and creative capacity of their creators. Liquid Fuel is expected to be a highly-regarded, admired, and cherished creation that is practical and innovative. This Iron A' Design Award-winning design integrates industry best practices and has competent technical characteristics linked with know-how and talent. Liquid Fuel is respected for its thoroughness and is designed to provide quality of life improvements that help make the world a better place.

Winner Designer

Mohammad Meyzari

Mohammad Meyzari

In the heart of Isfahan, a city synonymous with Iranian artistry, a young Mohammad Meyzari was born into a family that cherished the essence of artistic expression. The city's vibrant cultural tapestry surrounded him, but his true artistic awakening wouldn't come until he turned 18. Growing up, Mohammad was immersed in a world where art was more than just aesthetics; it was a way of life. He watched as his family members celebrated creativity in all its forms. Yet, it wasn't until the age of 18 that Mohammad embarked on a personal journey of self-discovery that would ultimately lead him to unveil his own latent creative potential. As Mohammad delved into the depths of his being and observed the world around him, he unearthed a wellspring of untapped creativity. It was a pivotal moment that would set the course for his future. With newfound determination, he chose to follow his passion for design, enrolling in the university to study Interior Architecture. The years of academic pursuit were transformative for Mohammad. He honed his skills, delving deeper into the world of design, and nurtured his artistic sensibilities. His dedication culminated in the attainment of a bachelor's degree in Interior Architecture, a testament to his commitment and growing expertise. With his formal education complete, Mohammad was ready to embark on a new adventure. He founded ROCH, a brand that would come to represent a harmonious blend of art and design, underscored by a steadfast commitment to sustainability. For Mohammad, design was not just about aesthetics; it was an opportunity to make a positive impact on the world. ROCH's mission was clear – to revolutionize and promote innovative design concepts that prioritized the use of stable and durable materials, aligning with the urgent need to protect the planet. Mohammad's designs reflected his passion for sustainable practices, echoing his belief that design should not come at the cost of the environment. Over the years, Mohammad's dedication to design excellence and sustainability earned him a slew of prestigious awards. These accolades were not merely tokens of recognition; they were a testament to the unwavering commitment that Mohammad brought to his craft. In the world of design, Mohammad Meyzari became a name synonymous with creativity, innovation, and sustainability. His creations stood as a testament to the idea that art and design could be a force for positive change. His journey from a young enthusiast in Isfahan to an internationally acclaimed designer was a narrative of passion, perseverance, and the relentless pursuit of a vision. Today, as an official member of renowned design associations such as the World Design Consortium, International Association of Designers, and International Council of Creative Industries, Mohammad Meyzari's influence extends globally. His story serves as an inspiring narrative for aspiring designers worldwide, reminding them that creativity, when harnessed with purpose, has the power to reshape the future. Through ROCH, Mohammad Meyzari has not just created designs; he has crafted a legacy that stands as a beacon of hope for a sustainable and artistic world.

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Winner Brand



Roch Group, managed by Mohammad Meyzari, is a creative flame and smoke production group that has won 3 awards from the largest international design competitions.

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Liquid Fuel Candle by Mohammad Meyzari Iron Furniture Design Award Winner 2020

Read The Inside Story

Discover in-depth story of the Liquid Fuel, a Candle designed by the highly esteemed Mohammad Meyzari, awarded with the very prestigious A' Furniture Design Award. Explore more about the intricate details and the story behind this unique Candle now.

Liquid Fuel Candle

Resources for Journalists

Press Kit Downloads

Download the comprehensive press kit for Liquid Fuel, including high-resolution images, press releases, and detailed work descriptions. Get all the essential materials you need to create compelling stories about the award-winning Liquid Fuel Candle.

Press Releases

Read the official press release announcing Liquid Fuel as a winner of the prestigious A' Design Award. The award-winner press release provides an overview of the Liquid Fuel Candle's unique features, innovation, and impact.

Media Showcase

Explore the media showcase dedicated to Liquid Fuel at Design|Newsroom, gain easy access to a wide range of media assets, including high-resolution images, videos, and additional resources related to the award-winning Liquid Fuel Candle.

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Roch, the brand behind Mohammad Meyzari's award-winning work Liquid Fuel Candle, exemplifies the success that furniture design brands can achieve through the A' Design Award. By winning the Iron A' Design Award, Roch has demonstrated its commitment to good design, innovation, and creative excellence.

"Liquid Fuel Candle" - Iron A' Design Award Winner

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Mohammad Meyzari

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