Artur Tikhonenko

Artur Tikhonenko

Esteemed A' Design Award Winner.

Highly Regarded Artur Tikhonenko is a multiple-winner of the highly prestigious A' Design Award with a remarkable 2 good designs.

Silver A' Design Award Winners

Silver A' Design Award Winners Works of Highly Regarded Artur Tikhonenko

The Silver A' Design Award celebrates products, projects, services, and designs that have demonstrated excellence and innovation. The Silver A' Design Award recognition is given to entries that are aesthetically pleasing and highly functional, reflecting a deep understanding of their target market and a mastery of design principles. Works that receive the Silver A' Design Award are acknowledged for their contribution to raising industry standards and advancing the practice of design. A' Design Award Silver Winners often incorporate original innovations and evoke a strong emotional response, making a significant impact on improving the daily lives of consumers.

The Silver A' Design Award designation is an extraordinarily important achievement, an enormously prestigious recognition granted to top-of-the-line designs that are gorgeous, sublime, admirable, and outright impressive. The Silver A' Design Award-designated designs are tremendously brilliant and exceedingly creative works that illustrate the outstanding expertise, talent, and acuity of their designers. Designs bestowed with the revered Silver A' Design Award title are expected to be wonderful, showpiece works that are remarkably professional and profoundly innovative. A' Design Award - Silver winner designs are highly notable, admired inventions that benefit and advance the boundaries of art, science, design, and technology. Silver A' Design Award designs stand for their strong technical characteristics, splendid artistic skill, original innovations, discerning emotional elements, and insightful creativity. The Silver A' Design Award recipient designs showcase a remarkable level of excellence and make the world a better place with their exceptional characteristics. Silver A' Design Award-winning works are vastly envied creations that evoke our desires, introduce positive feelings, and sparkle amazement and wonderment in us.

We are delighted to feature the impressive, ingenious, and captivating Silver A' Design Award winner works of the skilled and most imaginative, Artur Tikhonenko, whose creations have demonstrated a remarkable level of creativity and practicality.

Artur Tikhonenko Silver A' Design Award Winner Works

Silver Award Winner
Trido Magnetic Art
2023 Winner for Toy

Iron A' Design Award Winners

Iron A' Design Award Winners

The Iron A' Design Award is given to products, projects, services, and designs that have demonstrated good design practices and have met the rigorous professional and industrial standards set by the A' Design Awards. The Iron A' Design Award recognition is reserved for entries that have shown a solid understanding of design principles and have exhibited creativity in their execution. Works that receive the Iron A' Design Award are acknowledged for their practical innovations and contributions to their respective fields, providing solutions that improve the quality of life and foster positive change. A' Design Award Iron Winners are a testament to the skill and dedication of the creator's team, showcasing their ability to address real-world challenges through thoughtful design.

The Iron A' Design Award designation is an important achievement, a prestigious recognition granted to good designs that meet the professional and industrial requirements expected from well-designed products, projects, services, experiences, ideas, and intellectual properties. The Iron A' Design Award-designated works demonstrate great skill, high specialization, expert understanding, and creative capacity of their creators. Designs bestowed with the famed Iron A' Design Award title are expected to be highly-regarded, admired, and cherished creations that are practical and innovative. A' Design Award - Iron winner designs are honored inventions that integrate industry best practices. Iron A' Design Award designs have competent technical characteristics linked with know-how and talent. The Iron A' Design Award recipient designs are respected for their thoroughness and are designed to provide quality of life improvements that help make the world a better place. Iron A' Design Award-winning works satisfy our needs and provide us with fulfillment and positive feelings.

We are pleased to present the commendable, proficient, and professionally executed Iron A' Design Award winner works of the capable and qualified, Artur Tikhonenko, whose creations have met the rigorous standards set by the A' Design Awards and have demonstrated good design practices.

Artur Tikhonenko Iron A' Design Award Winner Works

Iron Award Winner
2023 Winner for Homeware

Who is Artur Tikhonenko ?

Highly Regarded Artur Tikhonenko

 Artur Tikhonenko was born in Belarus. He has an outstanding artistic talent since he was a child. He has a strong interest in painting and handmade. He was even more keen on street art, graffiti creation when he was a teenager. The unfettered creative experience provided him with the direction and accumulation for his professional art path. Artur entered the design faculty of Belarusian State University, systematically learned 3D modeling, sculpture and plaster casting, and did a lot of research on origami art, especially the Japanese origami flower ball kusudama. Artur was also abscessed with the modular origami system - building shapes with more or less modules. This also laid the foundation for him to create TRIDO.

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Feel Good with A' Design Award : It's completely FREE to sign up for an account, Without any obligations to upload a design or nominate a work. Uploading your work is FREE, and you keep your copyrights. Getting a Preliminary Score is FREE and confidential, with no obligations to nominate. If you decide to nominate, there's a one-time fee to have your work voted by grand jury panel. If you win, there are no contractually obliged "winner fees". The comprehensive A' Design Prize is provided FREE to winners!

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