Tong Xu

Tong Xu

Esteemed A' Design Award Winner.

Tong Xu is an esteemed winner of the highly prestigious A' Design Award with their good design.

Silver A' Design Award Winners

Silver A' Design Award Winners Works of Esteemed Tong Xu

The Silver A' Design Award celebrates products, projects, services, and designs that have demonstrated excellence and innovation. The Silver A' Design Award recognition is given to entries that are aesthetically pleasing and highly functional, reflecting a deep understanding of their target market and a mastery of design principles. Works that receive the Silver A' Design Award are acknowledged for their contribution to raising industry standards and advancing the practice of design. A' Design Award Silver Winners often incorporate original innovations and evoke a strong emotional response, making a significant impact on improving the daily lives of consumers.

The Silver A' Design Award designation is an extraordinarily important achievement, an enormously prestigious recognition granted to top-of-the-line designs that are gorgeous, sublime, admirable, and outright impressive. The Silver A' Design Award-designated designs are tremendously brilliant and exceedingly creative works that illustrate the outstanding expertise, talent, and acuity of their designers. Designs bestowed with the revered Silver A' Design Award title are expected to be wonderful, showpiece works that are remarkably professional and profoundly innovative. A' Design Award - Silver winner designs are highly notable, admired inventions that benefit and advance the boundaries of art, science, design, and technology. Silver A' Design Award designs stand for their strong technical characteristics, splendid artistic skill, original innovations, discerning emotional elements, and insightful creativity. The Silver A' Design Award recipient designs showcase a remarkable level of excellence and make the world a better place with their exceptional characteristics. Silver A' Design Award-winning works are vastly envied creations that evoke our desires, introduce positive feelings, and sparkle amazement and wonderment in us.

We are delighted to feature the impressive, ingenious, and captivating Silver A' Design Award winner works of the skilled and most imaginative, Tong Xu, whose creations have demonstrated a remarkable level of creativity and practicality.

Tong Xu Silver A' Design Award Winner Works

Silver Award Winner
2024 Winner for Interior

Who is Tong Xu ?

Esteemed Tong Xu

从事建筑设计和室内设计32年。 简历涵盖房地产开发公司、建筑集团。建筑设计院、设计公司、装饰公司。 该博物馆横跨欧洲、亚洲、中东和北美,提取人类文明的精髓并深入探索这些地方。 著名建筑探索植根于当地文化的技术和逻辑,通过广泛而有趣的人与人之间的交流丰富生活的维度。 年轻时,他以为星巴克咖啡设计了35家门店而闻名,星巴克咖啡首次进入中国。 他为中国最大的上市学前教育集团和主要教育集团设计了1700多个项目。 他主持了143,000平方米的酒店,写字楼,商业和别墅区的开发。 主持办公装修、商场装修、酒店装修13万平方米。 主持商场设计、酒店设计、商业店面设计、高端餐饮设计、环境景观设计224.1万平方米。 在精品酒店行业、高端餐饮行业、学前教育行业屡获国内外奖项。 “千里行万里,千书读书”,真正将丰富的人生经验注入到设计作品中,从而赋予空间灵魂和长久的生命力。

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