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Eco-Luminance Oasis

Eco-Luminance Oasis Retails Shop by Rix Yap is a winner of the 2024 Silver A' Design Award in Interior Space and Exhibition Design.

Eco-Luminance Oasis is a Silver A' Design Award winner, an extraordinarily prestigious recognition granted to top-of-the-line, gorgeous, and impressive designs.

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Eco-Luminance Oasis Retails Shop by Rix Yap Silver Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Winner 2024

Eco-Luminance Oasis Retails Shop

Verde Light: Where light meets nature. Step into Verde Light's visionary showroom, a harmonious fusion of biophilic design and industrial chic. Natural light dances with greenery, creating an immersive experience. Seamlessly transitioning from exterior to interior, the space, beckons you to explore. Beyond a showroom, it's a versatile hub for relaxation, events, and art. Nestled in an industrial landscape, Verde Light's oasis stands as a testament to sustainability. Illuminate your space with purpose, Verde Light, where every light tells a story.

Eco-Luminance Oasis Retails Shop by Rix Yap Silver Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Winner 2024
Silver Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Winner 2024 Eco-Luminance Oasis Retails Shop
Eco-Luminance Oasis designed by Rix Yap
Eco-Luminance Oasis - Silver Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Winner
Rix Yap's Eco-Luminance Oasis Retails Shop
Silver Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Winner 2024 Eco-Luminance Oasis Retails Shop
Eco-Luminance Oasis designed by Rix Yap
Eco-Luminance Oasis - Silver Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Winner
Rix Yap's Eco-Luminance Oasis Retails Shop

Featured Design

Eco-Luminance Oasis by Rix Yap

Core Functionality

Retails Shop


Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Winner in 2024.

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Silver Winner

Eco-Luminance Oasis Retails Shop

Eco-Luminance Oasis is a Silver A' Design Award winner, an extraordinarily prestigious recognition granted to top-of-the-line, gorgeous, and impressive designs. Silver winners are tremendously brilliant and exceedingly creative works that illustrate the outstanding expertise, talent, and acuity of their designers. Eco-Luminance Oasis is expected to be a wonderful, showpiece work that is remarkably professional and profoundly innovative. This Silver A' Design Award-winning design is a highly notable, admired invention that benefits and advances the boundaries of art, science, design, and technology. Eco-Luminance Oasis is a vastly envied creation that evokes desires, introduces positive feelings, and sparkles amazement and wonderment.

Winner Designer

Rix Yap

Rix Yap

He is a visionary designer with a passion for creating unique and groundbreaking concepts that defy convention. His mission is to challenge the status quo and introduce fresh perspectives to society's aesthetic landscape. Rejecting the idea of uniformity, he strives to break away from the mainstream trends that often lead to homogeneity in design. Despite encountering numerous setbacks and rejections, he remains steadfast in his commitment to innovation. His determination is exemplified by his latest accomplishment: the establishment of a cutting-edge lighting showroom. In this venture, he has tirelessly pursued the integration of diverse and imaginative ideas, even when faced with opposition. Remarkably, he has successfully retained a significant portion of his original concepts, demonstrating his resilience and unwavering dedication to his craft. His ambition is not just to create visually striking designs, but to effect meaningful change in society's perception of design. By continually exploring new materials, shapes, and forms, he seeks to unveil creations that are truly unprecedented and captivating. His work is a testament to his unconventional approach and his relentless pursuit of innovation.

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Winner Client

Verde Light

Verde Light

Established in 2011, the concept of Verde Light was conceived between 2 business partners Alan & Siew Khim. Always being attracted to materials that are uncommon or emerging, we embarked on a journey of customising lights using recycled materials such as old pipes, unused hardwood such as Ashwood, Maple, and Walnut, and ropes from ships. Wood just has such cache to it, just such an aura of Scandinavia, Bukit Timah, tree house-warm about it. Our work with it has always been centred around bringing these materials into our everyday lives; breathing new life to materials that serve a big part of our lives, yet taken for granted due to our busy schedules. But it's how we work with these materials that sets Verde Light apart from other makers and designers, it’s how we serve our customers that make a difference.

Eco-Luminance Oasis Retails Shop by Rix Yap Silver Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Winner 2024

Read The Inside Story

Discover in-depth story of the Eco-Luminance Oasis, a Retails Shop designed by the highly esteemed Rix Yap, awarded with the very prestigious A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award. Explore more about the intricate details and the story behind this unique Retails Shop now.

Eco-Luminance Oasis Retails Shop

Resources for Journalists

Press Kit Downloads

Download the comprehensive press kit for Eco-Luminance Oasis, including high-resolution images, press releases, and detailed work descriptions. Get all the essential materials you need to create compelling stories about the award-winning Eco-Luminance Oasis Retails Shop.

Press Releases

Read the official press release announcing Eco-Luminance Oasis as a winner of the prestigious A' Design Award. The award-winner press release provides an overview of the Eco-Luminance Oasis Retails Shop's unique features, innovation, and impact.

Media Showcase

Explore the media showcase dedicated to Eco-Luminance Oasis at Design|Newsroom, gain easy access to a wide range of media assets, including high-resolution images, videos, and additional resources related to the award-winning Eco-Luminance Oasis Retails Shop.

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Learn more about Eco-Luminance Oasis Retails Shop now.

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Verde Light, the brand behind Rix Yap's award-winning work Eco-Luminance Oasis Retails Shop, exemplifies the success that interior space and exhibition design brands can achieve through the A' Design Award. By winning the Silver A' Design Award, Verde Light has demonstrated its commitment to good design, innovation, and creative excellence.
Verde Light

"Eco-Luminance Oasis Retails Shop" - Silver A' Design Award Winner

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