The integration of interior design and company’s corporate identity was determined to designer's main concern. Serhan Bayık adapted road’s and container’s identical forms & materials into the entrance hall to make visitors gain the first impression about company. The usage of container materials as wall partition and also having a road ambiance within a harmony to the space, create a belonging sense and an integrity.
He graduated from Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Fine Arts in 1989. He completed his second university education at Mimar Sinan University Faculty of Architecture in 1997. After working for several well known companies such as Mustafa Oney, Mustafa Toner, Han Tümertekin and Nevzat Sayın; he had been in UK to improve his English and develop his professional research in 2003 - 2004. Upon his return,he continued to work freelance in the field of interior design and architecture. He has been continuing to his works in Turkey and also in the other countries for especially office & retail design interior spaces.