Non-Profit Account: Designed for not for profit organizations, the Non-Profit Account type provides possibilities of submitting works through patronage or membership referral programs with discounted entry fees.
Eligibility Conditions: Should be a single legal entity that is granted tax-exempt status by the local tax authorities, revenue officials or the government. The not-for-profit organization uses surplus revenues to achieve its goals rather than distributing them as profit or dividends. Can be any type of entity, charity, trust or cooperative. Must be registered and have a tax code. Choose this option if you represent a non-profit organization.
Restrictions: Can use non-profit institution name for yearbook, certificates, exhibition posters, design rankings, screen presentations or profile details. Cannot use brand name for gala-badges. Must use institutional electronic mail address for registration. * Can provide up to two (2) entity names for yearbook, certificates, exhibition posters, gala-badges or screen presentations if space permits, one of the names must be the Non-profit name or abbreviation. Can only use the non-profit name for the designer rankings or profile details. Company registration number, value added tax number or corporate identification number must be provided for invoices. Maximum Team Size - number of designers that could be listed as team members at team members section of design details is ten (10) i.e. cannot list more than ten (10) entities for the team members section of designs, including the account owner.
Clarifications: Non-profit Account type is not for participants who have created probono works; the Non-profit Account is proplerly for non-profit organizations. Institutional Alliance Account type should be used for collaborative non-profit works or when the number of team members exceed ten (10). |