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Green Captain

Green Captain Sipan Island Treasures by Anja Zambelli Colak is a winner of the 2024 Bronze A' Design Award in Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design.

Green Captain is a Bronze A' Design Award winner, a much prestigious recognition granted to outstanding designs distinguished by creativity, ingenuity, and astuteness.

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Green Captain Sipan Island Treasures by Anja Zambelli Colak Bronze Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design Award Winner 2024

Green Captain Sipan Island Treasures

The Green Captain project is a testament to the fusion of tradition and modernity. Born from the narrative of the world's youngest tanker captain turned cultivator, the project embodies a profound dedication to heritage preservation. The brand's icon, an amalgamation of a leaf and a hidden ship, represents the founder's story. In every detail, the packaging exudes storytelling. Each element pays homage to the brand's maritime roots and island heritage, from the symbolic captain suit motifs adorning olive oil bottles to the subtle ship emblems gracing wine labels.

Green Captain Sipan Island Treasures by Anja Zambelli Colak Bronze Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design Award Winner 2024
Bronze Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design Award Winner 2024 Green Captain Sipan Island Treasures
Green Captain designed by Anja Zambelli Colak
Green Captain - Bronze Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design Award Winner
Anja Zambelli Colak's Green Captain Sipan Island Treasures
Bronze Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design Award Winner 2024 Green Captain Sipan Island Treasures
Green Captain designed by Anja Zambelli Colak
Green Captain - Bronze Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design Award Winner
Anja Zambelli Colak's Green Captain Sipan Island Treasures

Featured Design

Green Captain by Anja Zambelli Colak

Core Functionality

Sipan Island Treasures

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Bronze Winner

Green Captain Sipan Island Treasures

Green Captain is a Bronze A' Design Award winner, a much prestigious recognition granted to outstanding designs distinguished by creativity, ingenuity, and astuteness. Bronze winners are amply skillful and strikingly creative artifacts that authenticate the vast experience, imagination, and resourcefulness of their designers. Green Captain is expected to be a highly-regarded, admired, and cherished object that is notably professional and innovative. This Bronze A' Design Award-winning design incorporates best practices in art, science, design, and technology, and is excellent for its attention to detail. Green Captain splendidly satisfies needs, touches desires, charms feelings, and appeals to curiosity.

Winner Designer

Anja Zambelli Colak

Anja Zambelli Colak

Anja Zambelli Čolak, born in 1983. Graduated from most prestigious design universities in Milan, Italy - Istituto Europeo di Design and Domus Academy where she got her Master’s degree in Business Design. Anja’s work has been published in design books “Packaging Structure” (ArtPower), “Take me away please” (DesignerBooks) and “Logo lounge” edition 2018 and 2020. “My passion is to understand the hidden value and the very essence of each client so that we can communicate those messages through branding and design.” Her education comes from two prestige design institutions in Milan, Italy: Istituto Europeo di Design and Domus Academy. Right after she got an M.A. in business design, she started to work for enterprises such as Unilever, 3M and Pininfarina, where she researched new ways of entering a market. “While I was working on new, progressive design strategies for large enterprises, I started to think of ways to transform those design tactics into functional branding for small and mid-sized businesses. Zambelli Brand Design was the direct result of those analyses and branding techniques.” Short after moving back to Croatia, Anja established Zambelli Brand Design studio with focus on creating brand strategies, verbal and visual identities. In her carrier Anja created some of the most known and popular Croatian brands such as: Surf'n'fries, HNK Rijeka, Logista, Vistini, Valfresco, Own solutions, Piko, Kisha, JIST, Dentorium, Barbieri’s and many others. Branding for the restaurant industry is one of her passion. Other than creating the branding for Surf'n'fries, the most successful Croatian franchise brand, last year, her branding expertise went beyond the European market. With her team, she created Bora Bora - a franchise brand for the QSR market based in GCC countries and Leen’s a restaurant brand based Dubai and Abu Dhabi. In 2017. she was selected as one of the Croatian winners of a Veuve Clicquot Business Woman Award that recognizes successful female entrepreneurs and in 2019. she received the Croatian Chamber of Commerce Award for product and brand design. In private life, Anja is married and has a seven-year-old daughter Emily.

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Winner Client

Zambelli Brand Design

Zambelli Brand Design

Established in 2008, Zambelli Brand Design is rooted in the vibrant heart of Rijeka, Croatia. They've cultivated their expertise in crafting visual and verbal identities finely tuned to clients' target audience, infusing character into enterprises and providing the momentum needed for businesses to flourish. Their commitment to customer success has earned them recognition within the industry. Zambelli Brand Design proudly showcases three A’ Design Awards and five Logo Lounge publications, not to mention their presence in package editions like "Take Me Away Please" and "Art of Package and Structure," among others. Zambelli Brand Design primarily caters to small to mid-sized organizations hailing from Europe, the Middle East, and the USA, helping them evolve into well-established and highly recognizable brands. While their expertise primarily serves the Food & Beverage, Hospitality, IT, Healthcare, and Fashion industry verticals, they're always eager to embrace fresh challenges. Over the past 15 years, their creative prowess has created over 150 brands, including ten global franchise concepts. With each project, Zambelli Brand Design strives to push boundaries, exceed expectations, and leave a lasting impression in the world of brand design.

Green Captain Sipan Island Treasures by Anja Zambelli Colak Bronze Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design Award Winner 2024

Read The Inside Story

Discover in-depth story of the Green Captain, a Sipan Island Treasures designed by the highly esteemed Anja Zambelli Colak, awarded with the very prestigious A' Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design Award. Explore more about the intricate details and the story behind this unique Sipan Island Treasures now.

Green Captain Sipan Island Treasures

Resources for Journalists

Press Kit Downloads

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Press Releases

Read the official press release announcing Green Captain as a winner of the prestigious A' Design Award. The award-winner press release provides an overview of the Green Captain Sipan Island Treasures's unique features, innovation, and impact.

Media Showcase

Explore the media showcase dedicated to Green Captain at Design|Newsroom, gain easy access to a wide range of media assets, including high-resolution images, videos, and additional resources related to the award-winning Green Captain Sipan Island Treasures.

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Zambelli Brand Design, the brand behind Anja Zambelli Colak's award-winning work Green Captain Sipan Island Treasures, exemplifies the success that graphics, illustration and visual communication design brands can achieve through the A' Design Award. By winning the Bronze A' Design Award, Zambelli Brand Design has demonstrated its commitment to good design, innovation, and creative excellence.
Zambelli Brand Design

"Green Captain Sipan Island Treasures" - Bronze A' Design Award Winner

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